Fighter V – Heart Of The Young
Kryptan - Violence, Our Power
Dynazty - Game of Faces
Repugnator - Foul Transfixation
Biostruction - Divine Manifestation
Chemicide - Violence Prevails
Freedomination - Until the Lights Go Out
Blessed to Kill - Age of Despair
Midnight Vice - White Witch
Löanshark - No Sins to Confess
Century - Sign of the Storm
Phurpa & Queen Elephantine – Ita Zor
Lucifer's Child - The Illuminant
Артемизия - Слуга зла (Artemiziya : Artemisia - Sluga zla : Servant of Evil)
Apocalypse Orchestra - A Plague upon Thee
Thomas Carlsen’s Transmission - Midnight Queen
Dawn of Solace - Affliction Vortex
Black Soul Horde - Julian Graves