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DES-5121 Questions DELL EMC Specialist Training Materials | Killtest 2020

2020-09-09 18:45:49 | DEll EMC
DES-5121 Exam Questions Online - 100% Passing Guarantee + 100% Money Back

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Read Killtest DES-5121 Exam Demo Questions First Online

If a VRRP Master router is rebooted, what is the default behavior once it comes back online?
A. An election occurs to determine which router will have the Master role
B. Original VRRP Master will take back control of the Master role
C. Original VRRP Backup will retain the Master role
D. VRRP Master role is determined by the router with the lowest MAC address
Answer: B

What is the recommended maximum number of routers, per area, when using OSPF?
A. 50
B. 100
C. 200
D. 255
Answer: A

When configuring a Dell EMC N-Series switch for voice traffic, which settings are needed?
A. Enable voice VLAN
Set each-interface to LLDP share all VoIP related parameters
Set switchport mode to general
B. Create a VLAN for voice
Set each interface to ISDP share all VoIP related parameters
Set switchport mode to general
C. Enable voice VLAN
Set each interface to LLDP share all VoIP related parameters
Set switchport mode to hybrid
D. Enable voice VLAN
Set each interface to ISDP share all VoIP related parameters
Set switchport mode to general
Answer: A

What is the interaction between CDP, ISDP, and LLDP when communicating configuration information from a Dell EMC Campus networking switch to a Cisco VoIP phone?
A. N-Series switches can be configured to use LLDP or CDP to communicate configuration information with Cisco devices
B. N-Series switches can be configured to use only CDP to communicate configuration information with Cisco devices
C. N-Series switches can be configured to use ISDP or CDP to communicate configuration information with Cisco devices
D. N-Series switches can be configured to use ISDP or LLDP to communicate configuration information with Cisco devices
Answer: D

A user’s workstation has an IP phone connected to a Dell EMC N-Series switch.
What is the recommended number of VLANs that should be configured on the switch port?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
Answer: C

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