2010-09-21 19:27:28 | 日記
I wrote KAKIKURITOIUNAMI.All piano keys are vitamin.PIANO ABC is VITAMIN NAME.From A To G.It's change like life.F is beer!G is heaven!A is baby!C is boy and girl.C is planet SUN!SUN choose boy and girl.Vitamin C is girl.Calcium is boy.If piano ABCDEFG is VITAMIN.What is black part?It is kakikuri.It is wave.These are teeth vitamin.I named P,K,V,Z,M.Protein is MARS.Kalium is ZEUS.
Vanadium is KRONOS.Zinc is URANUS.Magnesium is POSEIDON.They are history GODS.
Earth start from SEA.Now human know war.It is MARS.VitaminA is left side of P.
A is HADES.All human start from deth.It's mean also baby.Hades's stone is opal.
Next B is MERCURY.Mercury is all children.His stone is crystal.Amethyst is also
crystal.He have many kind of crystal.He's minus stone is turquoise.VitaminnC's
GOD is APOLLON.VitaminC choose man and woman.It's ruby and sapphire.Vitamin D
is VENUS.D's mean is born baby.VENUS's stone is emerald.E is EARTH.EARTH and MOON.MOON is glas.Earth is fluorite and jade.Jade's sound is same.Florite is also
fate stone.Fate is alike vitamin B,C,D.Vitamin F stone are alexandrite and tanzanite.People think about friend before dead.F is friend.G is heaven.G are diamond and gold.Alien AMATERU stole right sound of P.P is tigereye.Not hematite.
K is marble.V is agate.Z is cat's-eye.M is tourmaline.


2010-08-09 03:11:48 | 日記
CUPS have many magic.
Water or Tea or Juce or Ice.
We drink something by it.
Rain is you.
Your eyes.
Our skyview.
Suger is plus.Salt is minus.
Leaf bring our image.
But if we give tea to tree,it will die.
Candy is plus.Chocolate is minus.
Calamel is Venus.Gumi is cloth!Lemonade is ZEUS.
Glass is moon.
Into Earth many stones.
You can try it into your plant pots.
Also glass.Glass boll marbles.
Glass marbles.
Into your cup.
Blue three boll glass mean safty time travel.
Yellow mean money.Red mean fight.Green mean friend.Sky blue mean job.
Flowlight is Eath and three time women planet's stone.
Flowlight is life.Sun is flowlight's light.
Flowlight move UFO with Mercury.Flowlight grow life with VENUS.
They are time.
Earth pierrot jugging its
Your glass or flowlight in your cup and drink something is most easy magic.
You can tlavel short time.
You can understand about life.
About other stones you need plant pots.
Gargle on tree is big your start.
If you use only glass tamble,when you give water tree.
Trees will die.
Trees out home need stone bracelet.
You most lean about plus stones,minus stone and somesound stone.
You can made many type bracelet.
This is first Mercury lesson!
Zeus is eel.Also mercury.
Bad alien Amateru made sodium bicarbonate.Amateru made Jesuse.
But he hated Amateru's pyramid.
He was poor child.
His story is important magic Mercury story.


2010-07-29 20:37:09 | 日記
CHOOP and me travel days!Sometime I made shot music.s.partent 147422 PUWAPWU.I drow onece when I child.But Mercury said becarful!Don't show it!Now I don't belive
it!I also made rabbit music.But Amateru magic Enoshima key girl was there.If she is money spy I knew later!Mercury's word's mean.I wish I never meet her again!Now I made more!Same my music!Brain is difficult probrem perhaps!When?NO!LOVE!But I WAS first idea every time!


2010-07-29 20:12:25 | 日記
After ENOSHIMA Aleyser carse too hard.Mercury said.`Now our stone dager!"Sometime
beautiful boy is my Peter Pan!Zero pierrot picture dream.He can change!He can change this picture!I think he love Zac Efron.I think ZAC alike Twaran.ZERO PIERROT,EWINS told fun story.If he is ZAC!Then we went ENOSHIMA.I found EROS story.I got EROS pen.I became good!I drow him again!But Aleyster wife ROSE BENTEN
angry.The picture move!Money island Enmoshima now dager!I need nomal pen!Thank you ZAC!You are my SUPERMAN!