Re: The history of "M&Y"

Team "M&Y" and "花鳥風月"
the soliloquy of the father

Japanese team

2010-06-29 | RoboCup2010

Many Japanese team got excellent results in RoboCup 2010 Singapore.

However, there was a scene to think of that I was slightly ashamed.

In the competition, a robot did not make a move just as wanted. The team member merely stares at the face of a piece of mentor. The team member seems to be able to judge nothing from oneself. Mentor orders it from the outside of the fence. The team member does an action as it was said.

Whose competition will it be?

There was a commended team. It is splendid!

Mentor got nervous with a team member on the dais. why does mentor get nervous?

Whose competition will it be?

This is why the foreign team says "Japan has many family teams"

It is not a joke.

This thought is the same as the feelings that a Japanese team had toward the Chinese team before.

There is the thing that we should do it before thinking that we win.

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