OldTime Photo Print &UFO&UAP

2024Miraculous photos &UFO
Old Time-Print PigmentPhoto

99.9%の人が知らない本当の歴史。聖書に記されていた世界沈没の真実がヤバすぎる…【 都市伝説 ノアの方舟 海面上昇 歴史 神話 】

2024-11-27 20:23:29 | 日記
99.9%の人が知らない本当の歴史。聖書に記されていた世界沈没の真実がヤバすぎる…【 都市伝説 ノアの方舟 海面上昇 歴史 神話 】

<img src="https://image.space.rakuten.co.jp/d/strg/ctrl/9/9d4ebc33479fb4adf1559c63819a6902e9fa6961." border="0" name="insertImg" />

<b># Shooting with color reversal film. From the film, create a magnifying negative.</b><div><b>Mixture of pigment and photosensitizer on printing paper, plastic paper,</b></div><div><b>Roughly spray. After drying, overlay the magnifying negative and use the UV exposure machine,</b></div><div><b>Burn. Then wipe with tap water, sponge, etc.</b></div><div><b>An image appears. It is dry and one step is completed.</b></div><div><b>Repeat this process, replacing the pigment with C ・ M ・ Y ・ B.</b></div><div><b>For this print, I used C, M, Y photosensitizers.

<img src="https://image.space.rakuten.co.jp/d/strg/ctrl/9/7948639f9c0724a6629caebe877fbbbab66e4afe." border="0" name="insertImg" />

<img src="https://image.space.rakuten.co.jp/d/strg/ctrl/9/10ddee5b531372c7a7a319216bc07205ae35541e." border="0" name="insertImg" />

<b># Shooting with color reversal film. From the film, create a magnifying negative.</b></div><div><b>Mixture of pigment and photosensitizer on printing paper, plastic paper,</b></div><div><b>Roughly spray. After drying, overlay the magnifying negative and use the UV exposure machine,</b></div><div><b>Burn. Then wipe with tap water, sponge, etc.</b></div><div><b>An image appears. It is dry and one step is completed.</b></div><div><b>Repeat this process, replacing the pigment with C ・ M ・ Y ・ B.</b></div><div><b>For this print, I used C, M, Y photosensitizers.</b></div><img src="https://image.space.rakuten.co.jp/d/strg/ctrl/9/22231ab494120edac5e4e0bd54768422abd9c863." border="0" name="insertImg" />

Are real UFO photos unpopular with high-resolution

Conversely, if you do low-resolution processing,

access jumps tenfold?  Fake UFO photos are popular w  Is

this the same as a UFO researcher not owning a single photo

of a real UFO?
<a href="https://blog-imgs-160.fc2.com/c/a/f/cafevoice/ooUAP0011.png" target="_blank"><img src="https://blog-imgs-160.fc2.com/c/a/f/cafevoice/ooUAP0011s.png" alt="ooUAP0011.png" border="0" width="150" height="118" /></a>
<a href="https://blog-imgs-160.fc2.com/c/a/f/cafevoice/aa10913_0003.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="https://blog-imgs-160.fc2.com/c/a/f/cafevoice/aa10913_0003s.jpg" alt="aa10913_0003.jpg" border="0" width="150" height="74" /></a>

In general, UFO photos are blurred out?
Is it because there

is still no UFO photo in focus? If there is, it will be

recovered by the Pentagon, right?


In the original image of UFO, it is quite small and hard to



Did the Pentagon's UAP-approved, alien search make sense? In other words,
aliens do not come to the earth, are they only monitoring with UAP probes?

UFO Sighting in Roses, Girona (Spain)1995/3

film by KodaChrome 200


#pigment #photo #print #handmade #art #dot #vintage
#pigment #photo #print #handmade

Thank you for {Like}. This photo is like a “coloring page”, printed from a single negative film on a multicolor photo.
Apply 4 or more pigment sensitizers on paper and repeat baking and development to complete.
I thought about a method of fixing it.age

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