


2008-07-11 | Weblog
Hello, everyone! It was hot today too, wasn't it? I hope you had a good day. Me? It was okay. There was nothing spectacular(特にすばらしいことはなかった), but nothing tragic (悲劇的なことは何も)happened. So, it was okay. Excuse me? New story? Gee, I have just returned from work, so obviously(明らかに), I have no time to finish writing a new story soon. Well, I could have time (時間はあったかもしれない)if I had no business to take care of (もし、しなければならないことが何もなければ)from now on(今から). I will be on my way (でかけます)very soon for something I've got to do tonight. Therefore, below please find something you might want to study tonight. Hope you will enjoy it and I will see you back here soon in the new story. Have a good one, guys! Nao

表現24)It doesn't make any sense.(意味がわかんない)

Jill: Hi, Nao. You know that there is going to be a Best of Young Poets Contest next month, don't you?

Nao: Sure. At the City Hall, right?

Jill: Right. I wrote a poem. Would you take a look at it? It's titled, "If My Dog Were a Bird."

Nao: If what? All right. (after reading it) Well, it doesn't make any sense.

Jill: Come on, Nao. It doesn't matter whether it makes sense or not. It's what you feel in your heart.

Nao: Well, since it doesn't make any sense, I don't feel anything.

Jill: Feel something! I helped you with your homework the other day, didn't I?

Nao: Jill, what you are saying doesn't make any sense.

皆さん、時として女性は、おっと、もちろん男性もですが(フュー)、「doesn't make any sense」することありますよね。相手を傷つけることなくいかにうまく話しをするか、これも大事な会話術です。勉強しましょう!
今回は、「make sense」(意味をなす、理にかなっている、筋が通っている→わかる、理解できる)を取り上げます。この表現はよく使われるので皆さんもご存知とは思いますが、自然に出てくるようにするためには気持ちを入れて言うことが大切です。「It doesn't make any sense.」の場合は、「え、意味がわかんない」「う~ん、理屈が通ってないな~」「さっぱり言ってる意味がわかんないよ」という時の感じを持って言ってみる。そうすればしっかり頭(脳)に残ると思いますよ。やってみてください。


Jill: What I mean is that I need your help this time, Nao.

Nao: Okay. That makes sense. I'll help you, of course.

よかったですね~、理解し合えたようで。この「make sense」は、「~の意味がわかる、理解できる」、つまり、「understand」と同じ意味で使うこともできます。その際は、「make sense of」という形で使います。「understand」より、「何からかその意味を見つける、その意味の形をつくる→理解する」と語数が多い分、単純に「理解する、わかる」と言うよりは、「それなりに努力して(状況、文脈等を)わかろうとしてわかる」って感じがありますね。では、またまたJillとNaoの会話の続きです。

(two days later)

Jill: Hi, Nao. What happened to my poem? Did you understand my points?

Nao: Hi, Jill. I tried to make sense of it, but most of it still doesn't make any sense to me.

Jill: Okay, Nao. I'll help you make sense of it. You got to polish your sense of art.

Nao: Right...

いやはや、これからまだまだ一波乱がありそうですね。ということで、今回は「make sense」の使い方を勉強しました。All right. That's all for today. I hope you can make sense of what I wrote and now you understand how to use "make sense" saying like "your writing makes good sense." Does this make sense to you at all? (わかりました?)では、また!Good-bye! Nao