輝きは金?!Is the sparkle gold? !
しとやか美人?赤ら顔!A graceful beauty? Red face!
愛されなければ?!If not loved? !
ビルの谷間は草原?!Is the valley of the building a steppe? !
白い煌めき?!White glitter?!
土手に踊る?!Do you want to dance on the bank? !
闇に光る?!Glow in the dark? !
100日咲く?!Will it bloom for 100 days? !
仙人が千人?!Thousands of hermits? !
天人の宴会か?!Is it a heavenly party? !
風と風邪を防ぐ花?!Flowers that prevent the wind and colds? !
濡れるマリアの黄金?!Maria's wet gold? !
青空に舞う?!Dance in the blue sky?!
雪が降ったの?!Did it snow? !
長すぎる睫毛が可愛い?!Are the eyelashes that are too long cute? !
青空に赤い星?!A red star in the blue sky? !
誰も知らない?白い昼顔!No one knows? White Japanese bindweed!
ブーケの舞う空?!The sky where the bouquet dances? !
季節の花をスライドショウとピアノ音楽でご覧いただけます。 日本花図鑑 Japanese flower guide 野の花散歩