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Elder Oaks showed interst (NJ (briefing))
2010-02-20 23:45:42
The memo I passed on to Elder Oaks on 10 Feb.

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Elder Dalin Oaks

A Brief Note of a Reference Book on Chinese Christianity

Jiro Numano
A Language Professor
Hiroshima Kokusai Gakuin University
Currently assigned a Japanese Teacher in Harbin, China

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February 10, 2010

Elder Oaks,

I think the following publication, although in Japanese, might be useful for the Church. Two years ago, a Chinese author and 14 Japanese researchers published a comprehensive reference work on Chinese Christianity. The book carries relevant laws, clauses of Three-Self Committee, related statements by government officials, and notable Q-A sessions with US media, etc.

“Modern Chinese Christianity: A Source Book by Original Documents
--- Important literature on Protestant Churches and Chinese government 1950 – 2000 ---“
Author: Tomisaka Christianity Center, Tokyo
Published by Shinkyosha in 2008

「原典 現代中国キリスト教 資料集 プロテスタント教会と中国政府の重要文献 1950-2000」
富坂キリスト教センター編  薛恩峰(せつおんほう)研究主事他
   東京都新宿区新小川町9-1 新教出版社 2008年出版
   価格 12,000円 
   URL http://park11.wakwak.com/~shinkyo/

Sincerely yours,
Jiro Numano
j_numano@hotmail.com 072-629-7811 (home, Japan)

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I met him after a conference and showed him the book. He asked me to send one copy to him thru Elder Stevenson.
To Elder Maxwell, too (NJ)
2010-03-14 00:33:14
Actually, I did a very similar thing to Elder Maxwell years ago when I was the translator for him at a conference held in Kyushu (or in Okinawa). At that time I informed him that the master hands of Three-Self movement were those who severely persecuted house church pastors. I was then rather critical of the Three-Self Leaders.

The meeting with Elder Maxwell was very brief, less than five minutes, but he kindly listened to my 'briefing.'
