公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ



2022-12-16 06:46:00 | 今日のトランプ

TRUTH SOCIALで何か言ったらしい。日本からはみることができない。



カードの宣伝は興醒めだが 以下はシャピーロのポdキャストより。

This man is the former president of the United States. This is a guy who presumably is going to have some policy recommendations that he wishes to trot out. He's going to have some important things to say no matter whether you are pro him or against him. The fact is that when the former president of the United States and a newly declared president for his third consecutive election, says the is major announcement, people are going to take that pretty seriously. And a lot of people weren't taking that pretty seriously because again, if you are assuming that we live in serious times, and if you're assuming that Donald Trump is a serious candidate for President of the United States, and that he is running a serious campaign, what you would expect is some sort of major policy drop for example, or maybe he's going to announce who's running for vice president with him. Or maybe he was going to announce something else politically oriented that made a difference in American public life instead, the major announcement almost completely craters his presidential campaign before it even gets off the ground, even many of his very, very strong allies, people ranging from Steve Bannon say the Hodgetwins are criticizing what Donald Trump did yesterday and for good reason. So what was Donald Trump's major announcement? Well, he put out on truth social the major announcement all capital letters, major announcement. Oh, my official Donald Trump digital Trading Card Collection is here. These limited edition Cards feature amazing art of my life and career. Collect all of your favorite Trump digital trading cards very much like a baseball card, but hopefully much, much more exciting. Go to collect Trump cards.com and get your cards now. Only $99 Each would make a great Christmas gift. Don't wait. They will be going I believe very quickly. And the picture for those who are not actually watching the show that is one of the reasons you should watch the shows. You can see the visuals is a picture of Donald Trump standing in a wrestling ring. Wearing what appears to be a skin tight superhero outfit with the American flag as his cape a giant T on his chest a rippling six pack, a wrestling belt championship and fortify boots because he was the 45th President of the United States with electricity popping around him that it said to me, in other words, he's selling you memes for $99 and this was the major announcement Supercell major, unbelievably major, collect all the travel cards put together. Search for Pikachu Biden Pikachu killed Pikachu. In any case, the former president of the United States also put out a video. And again the reason this matters is because any presidential candidate who did this, it would be bad. The former president of the United States, a man who was the presumptive front runner jumping into the race doing this is cringe worthy. It just is. And again, if you if you think that politics ought to be a somewhat serious business, that our politicians ought to provide a threat to the people we believe stand in the way of our freedoms. Then when you say you haven't made your announcement, and what you actually drop is what appears to be an NFT money grab. Especially because I mean it's like on every available front. It's just it's the dumbest politics I think maybe I've ever seen. It's it's really it's painful. It's painful, and it's coming from somebody who voted for Donald Trump in 2020. And like, this is just bad. So Trump drops this video and when I first saw it, I thought it was a deep fake, to be honest with you, I thought that I thought there was no way that Donald Trump would acquiesce to the people around him pushing him to do something this stupid because again, NF T's first of all, nobody understands what an NF T is. And non fungible token, which is what an NF T is. What it basically is, is a digital trading card. Essentially you buy a gift, and you have the exclusive right to a copy of that gift not not the only copy a copy of the gift, which means nothing since I can literally just copy and paste it onto my desktop right now without having to spend $99 But here's Donald Trump announcing his major announce again, I'm not the one characterizing it as major announcement, if this is just been one of the many things that you put out, okay, when you're a presidential candidate, and the former president of the United States, and you say that you have a major announcement, all capital letters and your major announcement is spend 99 bucks on my worthless gift for a chance to possibly win a zoom call with me.

この人は前アメリカ大統領です。この人は、おそらく何か政策的な提言をしたいのだろう。あなたが彼に賛成であろうと反対であろうと、彼は重要なことを言うはずだ。前アメリカ大統領と、3回目の選挙で新たに大統領になった人が、重大な発表をすると、人々はそれをかなり真剣に受け止めるだろうということです。というのも、私たちが真剣な時代に生きていると仮定して、ドナルド・トランプがアメリカ大統領候補として真剣な選挙戦を展開していると仮定すると、期待するのは、例えば何らかの大きな政策の落としどころ、あるいは副大統領候補として誰が一緒に立候補するのか発表するつもりなのかもしれません。あるいは、アメリカの公共生活に変化をもたらすような政治的指向性の高い何かを発表するつもりだったのかもしれません。しかし、この重大発表は、大統領選挙が軌道に乗る前にほぼ完全に潰れてしまいました。彼の非常に強い味方の多く、スティーブ・バノンからホッジンズまでが、ドナルド・トランプの昨日の行動を批判していますが、それには正当な理由があるのです。さて、ドナルド・トランプの重大発表とは何だったのでしょうか?さて、彼は真実の社会で主要な発表を出しましたすべて大文字、主要な発表。ああ、ドナルド・トランプの公式デジタル・トレーディング・カード・コレクションがここにある。これらの限定版のカードは、私の人生とキャリアの素晴らしいアートを備えています。野球カードのように非常に多くのあなたの好きなトランプデジタルトレーディングカードのすべてを収集しますが、うまくいけばはるかに、はるかにエキサイティングです。に行くトランプcards.comを収集し、今あなたのカードを取得します。唯一の$ 99各々は偉大なクリスマスプレゼントになります。待ってはいけない。彼らは私が非常に迅速に信じて行くことになります。そして、あなたがショーを見るべき理由の一つである実際にショーを見ていない人のための写真。ドナルド・トランプがプロレスのリングに立っているビジュアルが見えます。アメリカ国旗をマントに、胸には巨大なT字、波打つシックスパック、レスリングベルトのチャンピオン、フォーティファイブーツのような、肌に密着したスーパーヒーローのような服を着て、彼の周りに電気が飛び出していて、つまり、彼はミームを99ドルで売っているんだと私に言いましたこれはスーパーセルの重大発表でした信じられないほど重大、すべてのトラベルカードをまとめて集めましょう。ピカチュウ・バイデンを検索する ピカチュウがピカチュウを殺した。いずれにせよ、前アメリカ大統領も動画を出しています。そしてまたこれが重要なのは、これをやった大統領候補がいたら、まずいからだ。前大統領は、大統領選の最有力候補だった男がこんなことをするなんて、ぞっとしますよ。まさにそうです。繰り返しになりますが、もしあなたが、政治はある程度まじめな仕事であるべきで、政治家は我々の自由を邪魔すると思われる人々に脅威を与えるべきだと考えているのであれば。そして、まだ発表していないと言いながら、実際に投下されたのは、NFTの金儲けのように見えるものです。特に、あらゆる面でそうだからです。今まで見た中で最も愚かな政治だと思う。本当に......つらいよ。2020年のドナルド・トランプに投票した人からの意見です。これはもう最悪です。トランプはこのビデオを投下しました 最初に見たとき 正直なところ深いフェイクだと思いました ドナルド・トランプがこんなバカなことをするように 周囲の人間に押し付けられるのを黙認するわけがないと思いました 繰り返しになりますが NFTの第一は 誰もNFTが何であるかを理解していないことです。NFTとは、非可換トークン(non fungible token)のことです。基本的には、デジタルトレーディングカードのようなものです。基本的に、あなたは贈り物を購入し、その贈り物のコピーを独占する権利を持ちますが、その贈り物の唯一のコピーではありません。もしこれが、あなたが大統領候補であり、前アメリカ大統領であり、重大発表があると言ったときに、あなたが出す多くのものの1つであるならば、いいですか、すべて大文字で、あなたの重大発表は、私とズームコールができるチャンスを得るために私の価値のないギフトに99ドル使ってくださいということです。

That's not great, Bob. It was Donald Trump yesterday.

Hello, everyone. This is Donald Trump. Hopefully your favorite president of all time better than Lincoln. Better than Washington. With important announcement to make. I'm doing my first official Donald J. Trump NFT collection right here and right now. They're called Trump digital trading cards. These cards feature some of the really incredible artwork pertaining to my life and my career. It's been very exciting. Each card comes with an automatic chance to win amazing prizes like dinner with me. I don't know if that's an amazing prize. But it's what we have. This is my first official Trump Trading Card NFT collection and you get a chance to meet me go to collect Trump cards.com right now and remember, Christmas is coming and this makes a great Christmas gift.



But it’s also a microcosm of the euro itself and even the corruption of the US dollar through national control over interest rates thanks to a monolithic central bank.

Like many of you, I had no idea the CFA Franc even existed and I’m still wrapping my head around the idea that in 2022 fourteen countries do not have monetary sovereignty, serfs to a feudal lord on a separate continent.

Again, just when I thought I’d plumbed the depths of Eurotrash globalist depravity, they make me look naïve.

But what’s been very clear is that the CFA Franc has been a no-go in international and inter-European political discussions for decades…. and someone close to Meloni just made it a global issue.

So much so, that no less than Le Monde had to put out a fire suppressor article.  It’s a laughably poor piece of apologia.  It’s a typical piece of ‘word parsing’ that picks out specific little exaggerations to discredit Meloni as stupid and uninformed while avoiding the basic problems of France running a wealth vacuum in 14 of the poorest countries in Africa.

Le Monde quickly switches to the ‘migrant’ issue to ‘debunk’ Meloni’s claims about African immigration as a result of the CFA Franc.  Sure the country of origin of most migrants are from countries on the shore of the Mediterranean, but where did they come from in the first place? 

It’s like saying Hondurans who cross into the US from Mexico aren’t Hondurans and that policy in Honduras didn’t contribute to the migration. But, this is really a side issue. Meloni is fundamentally right that the CFA Franc keeps these countries poor through currency arbitrage and contributes directly to North Africa’s instability and lack of economic progress.

To think that doesn’t have spillover effects into Algeria, Morocco or anywhere else along the southern Mediterranean is simply laughable.

It’s the Currency, Stupid!!

The key to understanding the evil of the CFA Franc is no different than understanding the evil of the euro or the Fed Funds Rate. It’s mercantilism through currency arbitrage.

The CFA Franc is not just pegged to the euro (formerly the French Franc) it is also tied to the ECB’s monetary policy debt rate.  This is the part no one, especially the writer at Le Monde, wants to touch.  

So, as Le Monde states there are the two central banks in Africa that issue the two different CFA Francs. What they fail to state is that both currencies are still pegged to the euro, making local monetary policy a joke. France and the ECB still control their economies.

The ECB’s monetary policy is set by Germany for Germany’s benefit.  Having (up until now) the strongest economy in the EU, Germany gets an effective benefit from the euro trading at a single exchange rate.

If the euro were to collapse and the Deutschmark returned, it would rise dramatically versus the previous euro exchange rate. For Italy, the return of the lira would see it fall.

This is simply the value add/deficit of the labor in the aggregate of the country, represented by the exchange rate through the discounting mechanism.  

This is why the euro and the EU are nothing more than colonialist systems designed to do exactly what they have done, impoverish the European periphery, which includes Italy, and concentrate capital in the center, in Brussels’ political power. 

As much as I’ve used the Hunger Games to describe the US, it is even more apropos for the EU. 

California and New York have used the singular Fed Funds Rate in the same way Germany has used the euro to dominate US electoral politics, ensuring that for decades their populations stayed high, the capital flowed to them, trapping people there and grinding them out between the twin millstones of inflation and taxation, just like Lenin described.

So, now applying that same model to France and it’s former colonies, does anyone believe that the labor efficiency of the Ivory Coast is the same as Germany?  or even France?

Of course not. But that’s the situation for these countries. France is running the same mercantilist scam of any colonial power by keeping the home country’s currency weaker than it should be in exchange for real goods from abroad.

But we see this effect in the reverse from the colony’s perspective. By setting a peg for the CFA Franc, it is always stronger than it should be if allowed to float. Even if initially set weaker than it should be to attract capital, eventually the exchange rate will become an albatross around the colony’s neck, strangling economic growth while all the wealth is extracted back to the homeland, thanks to the ECB’s monetary policy.

While the CFA Franc was reformed slightly under Macron, the essential link between France’s banking system and these colonies remains key, using the ECB’s ruinous monetary policy to take the profit and leave misery behind. 

Now, the good news is that mercantilism only works for so long before the currency mismatches become so great that the whole scheme has to collapse. It is, after all just another Ponzi Scheme. 

In the case of France and Germany running their wealth extraction system across not just the 17 other countries of the euro-zone but 14 African countries as well, we’re reaching that breaking point.




CFAフランはユーロ(旧フランスフラン)にペッグされているだけでなく、ECBの金融政策債務金利に連動しているのである。 これは誰も、特にルモンドのライターも触れたがらない部分である。


ECBの金融政策は、ドイツの利益のためにドイツによって決定される。 これまで)EUで最も強力な経済力を持つドイツは、ユーロが単一の為替レートで取引されることで実質的な利益を得ているのです。





カリフォルニアとニューヨークは、ドイツが米国の選挙政治を支配するためにユーロを利用したのと同じように、特異なFed Funds Rateを利用し、何十年にもわたって人口が高いまま、資本が流れ込み、そこに人々を閉じ込め、レーニンが描いたように、インフレと課税という双子の臼の間で人々をすり減らすようにしたのである。







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