2022年6月15日(水) 07時45分
By: ルカ・カッチャトーレ
Mediaiteによると、CNNの新会長兼CEOのクリス・リヒト氏は、火曜日の電話会議で同社経営陣に対し、スタッフは民主党の「the Big Lie」という言葉を使うのを避けるべきだと伝えたという。
CNNは、波乱の2020年選挙の最初の余波を過ぎても、このフレーズをかなり使っている。TVEyesによると、同ネットワークはこの1カ月で168回「the Big Lie」を使用した。
この言葉は「Reliable Sources」の司会者ブライアン・ステルターのお気に入りであり、彼は3月の時点で、ロシアのウクライナ侵攻に関する同局の報道の中で「the Big Lie」を発動している。
「米国の政治システムの脆弱性に対する懸念は、ウクライナ戦争を毎日報道することで後退した」とステルターは3月27日の独白で述べた。"しかし、国内の危険性はまだ明らかだ。記者たちはドナルド・トランプの "大きな嘘 "とそれを進めた権力者の証拠を暴き続けているのです。"
"大きな嘘 "は、2021年1月6日の国会議事堂暴動を調査する下院特別委員会の一方的な公聴会が続く中、新たな関心を呼んでいる。委員長のベニー・トンプソン下院議員(ミズ州選出)は、月曜日の公聴会の冒頭の発言で、このアイデアを呼び起こした。
"今朝は、ドナルド・トランプがいかに選挙に負け、負けたことを知り、その結果、我々の民主主義に攻撃を仕掛けることにしたかという話をする "とトンプソン氏は語った。
それは水曜日にCNNに出演した際、デサンティス知事がイーロン・マスクが2024年の大統領選に自分を考えていると言ったという知らせに対して、"アフリカ系アメリカ人 "の支持を得て嬉しいと答えた後の出来事でした。
と、司会のBrianna Keilarは知事のビデオクリップを再生する前に言った。「それは何人かの人々の頭を過ぎったかもしれません。しかし、彼は南アフリカ出身なのです」と、彼女は言いました。
Brianna Marie Keilar (born September 21, 1980) is an Australian-born American journalist who is the co-anchor of New Day with John Berman on CNN. She previously worked as a White House correspondent, senior political correspondent, Congressional correspondent and general assignment correspondent for CNN in Washington. Prior to that, Keilar worked at CNN Newsource as a national correspondent, also in Washington. Before joining New Day, She was the host of CNN Right Now with Brianna Keilar.[1]
"あれ "を見たとき、まさにそう思ったんだ。ほらね。とても興味深いです。ヴァン・ジョーンズ、ここに来れて嬉しいよ」と共演のジョン・バーマンが言った。
CNN's New Boss: Stop Using Democratic 'Big Lie'
Wednesday, June 15, 2022 07:45 PM
By: Luca Cacciatore
New CNN Chairman and CEO Chris Licht reportedly told company management during a Tuesday conference call that staff should avoid using the Democratic Party's "the Big Lie" term, according to Mediaite.
The phrase has been used frequently by Democratic officials in reference to former President Donald Trump’s claims about voter fraud during the 2020 election.
A source informed the outlet on Wednesday that Licht believes using the term weakens people's views of the network's objectivity and instead recommended using "Trump election lie" or "election lies" in banners and graphics.
CNN has used the phrase considerably even past the initial aftermath of the tumultuous 2020 election. According to TVEyes, the network has used "the Big Lie" 168 times this past month.
The term is notably a favorite of "Reliable Sources" host Brian Stelter, who, as recently as March, invoked "the Big Lie" amid the network's coverage of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
"Concerns of the vulnerability of the U.S. political system have taken a backseat to daily coverage of the war in Ukraine," Stelter said in a March 27 monologue. "But the domestic dangers are still clear. Reporters keep exposing evidence of Donald Trump's 'Big Lie' and the powerful people who advanced it."
"The Big Lie" has seen renewed interest as the one-sided hearings of the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot continue. Chair of the panel, Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., invoked the idea in his opening remarks for Monday's hearing.
"This morning, we'll tell the story of how Donald Trump lost an election and knew he lost an election and, as a result of his loss, decided to wage an attack on our democracy," Thompson said.
CNN commentator Van Jones, a former Obama administration official, had some stunning praise for Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.
It happened on Wednesday during an appearance on CNN after Gov. DeSantis responded to word that Elon Musk said that he was thinking of him for president in 2024 by saying he was happy to have the support of the “African-American.”
“The most interesting rivalry is shaping up on the right when it comes to a potential 2024 race between former President Trump and current governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis. Ron DeSantis just had an interesting moment where billionaire Elon Musk talked about potentially supporting him for president, and this is how DeSantis responded,” host Brianna Keilar said before playing the video clip of the governor.
“That might have gone over the head of some people. But he was, is from South Africa,” she said.
“Yeah. People, again, people assume that everybody from Africa is Black. Elon Musk is a white South African who came to United States. So he’s, he’s kind of teasing. But what he’s really doing is keeping that story in the news cycle. This guy is very, very smart about keeping us talking about him, DeSantis. And when the richest guy in the world says something about you and then you say something funny, it keeps his name in the news cycle. This guy’s learned a lot from Donald Trump,” Van Jones said.
“It’s exactly what I thought when I saw that, right? There. Very interesting. Van Jones, great to have you here,” cohost John Berman said.