公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ


クオモNY州知事の引用する箴言は全部フェイクだA. J. Parkinsonなどと言う名言家は存在しない

2021-08-13 18:21:00 | 捨て置けないニュース

米海軍軍事委員会(Office of Military Commissions)と米海軍法務顧問団(Judge Advocate General's Corps)は、アンドリュー・クオモ前ニューヨーク州知事の法廷日程を決定しました。性的不祥事で辞任したクオモ氏は、9月20日から3人の将校の前に立ちはだかります。












これは、クオモ前知事が老人ホームやホスピスに指示して、比較的健康な高齢者を移動式の冷蔵死体安置所に入れさせていたという報道があったためで、この18輪車はパンデミック以前は冷凍食品や野菜を全米に輸送するのに使われていた。 クオモ氏は、ブルックリンにある冷蔵輸送サービス会社「BZSトランスポーテーション」の株式を大量に保有していることが判明した。











クオモ知事アンドリュー・マーク・クオモAndrew Mark Cuomo1957年12月6日 - )
はいつも偉そうにA. J. Parkinson の言葉を引用するが、これはパパであるマリオの時代に作ったパパの創作であり、A. J. Parkinsonなどと言う名言家は存在しない。したがって息子アンドリューのいう名言は全部フェイクだ。

今日もクオモは中共ウイルス対策で「未来を予想するな、未来を想像しろ」と謎の名言家を引用した。ニューヨークのロックダウンがあるかないか?君たちが来年のことを教えてくれるなら答えよう。尊大な記者会見をしていた。バイデン大統領確定となる動きが態勢を占めたとなるとこういう人物の本質が露わになってくる。嘘が嘘を創造し、詐欺師が詐欺師を尊敬する社会が誕生する。その社会の存立根拠は真実でも正義でも神でもない。唯の独裁者との親密な関係だけが身であり、これらの小者達の金によるおべっかが血液です。こうして巨大に膨れ上がった嘘の塊である独裁システムが、既存の民主的かつ法治主義的社会システムを押し潰し、モンスター社会が出来上がる。米国主要メディア記者はこんな嘘さえ突き崩せなくなっている。もはや末期 自己実現的にフェイク社会が出来上がってしまった。深い穴を掘って王様の耳はロバ的(悪魔獣の象徴)と叫び麦(無名の良心の象徴)が囁くのを待つしかない。
これが今の米国の姿 嘘が膨張する社会


The Seduction of Mario Cuomo
January 14, 1992

The most disturbing mystery surrounding the saga of Donald’s brief career as a football phenom was the questions it raised about his curious, yet unmistakably compelling, influence at the highest levels of the Cuomo administration. Vincent Tese was no renegade commissioner, in fact no one in Mario Cuomo’s government was in closer touch with him. And the Urban Development Corporation’s supine performance for Trump had its equivalents in other state agencies on matters wholly unrelated to the stadium, especially at the State Transportation Department, which championed Trump’s agenda in planning improvements on the West Side Highway, adjacent to Donald’s 60th Street yards.

Donald had long had a special knack for ingratiating himself with public officials, but Mario Cuomo was not just another inviting political target. Donald’s penetration of the Cuomo inner circle was a textbook case in seduction, and his compromising relationship with the administration would last even into the months of Trump’s collapse in 1990. Other than Tese’s golf dates with Donald in Florida and New York, there was little of a personal touch to the mutually beneficial Cuomo/Trump arrangement. It was all business.

What made Cuomo such an unusual government target for Trump was that when he defeated Ed Koch for governor in 1982, he ran against virtually every monied interest in New York politics, most of whom, like Donald, rallied to Koch because of his 30- to 40-point lead in the early polls. And almost from the moment he became governor, there was an extraordinary undercurrent about the dignified and brilliant Cuomo that marked him as a man who might be President. His speech at the 1984 Democratic Convention transformed this onetime unarticulated presidential murmur into so persistent a question it became, both at home and occasionally across the country, a Democratic preoccupation. This national fascination helped Cuomo become, through the eighties and into the nineties, the master of New York politics, isolated from the pack by his deliberate hermetic style, a recluse in Albany whose intelligence and rhetorical passion were seen only in glimpses.

Part of Cuomo’s above-the-fray appeal was his religion. It wasn’t just that he was a Catholic; his predecessor, Hugh Carey, was Catholic enough to have twelve children, yet no one ever thought of him as a man to whom morality was a mission. Cuomo publicly wrestled with the Lord, weighing the heaviest questions of life and death as if it was the responsibility of a leader to help the people to understanding. He talked soaringly about values. He invoked Saint Thomas More as his guardian, a man who died for a principle. This spiritual quality, combined with the hometown presidential hopes that seemed to last forever, insulated him from inspection and criticism like no other public figure in the state.

From the beginning of the Cuomo reign, the insiders who bankrolled and benefited from the government game were studying the new Albany team, looking for weaknesses, waiting for messages, hunting for opportunities. They read every signal, interpreted every nuance, and none did it better than Donald. Figuring Cuomo out was a riddle for Donald, finding a path to him was a necessity.

Trump knew he had a bit of history going for him. In 1958, Mario Cuomo had joined his first law firm — Brooklyn’s Comer, Weisbrod, Froeb and Charles. Senior partner Richard Charles, who became Cuomo’s mentor at the small firm, had already been representing Fred Trump for decades, and Cuomo was assigned as a young associate to help with the Trump work. Fabian Palamino, then a young associate with Cuomo who became his counsel as governor, remembers their travels out to Fred Trump’s headquarters on Avenue Ζ for business lunches at which Trump dished out the cheese sandwiches himself.

When Cuomo became Hugh Carey’s running mate in 1978 and was elected lieutenant governor, Trump contributed $4000 to his minuscule campaign committee. While Trump had backed Koch in the 1982 race, he’d called Cuomo’s old friend and finance chairman, Bill Stern, on October 11, 1982, and made a $3500 donation for the general election.

Trump did not contribute again to the Cuomo committee until November 13, 1984, a month after the stadium project was approved and a month before he submitted his own plan. Several Trump business entities combined that day to give the Friends of Mario Cuomo $15,000 — making Trump one of the top donors at Cuomo’s annual fund-raiser. Cuomo had personally approved Trump’s invitation that August to serve on the campaign committee’s board of advisers. The board was formed as “a permanent finance committee” of thirty to fifty prestigious individuals, from every major region and industry in the state, to raise a minimum of $30,000 each at Cuomo’s dinner.

But the contributions were merely door openers. Donald was looking for the right insider who could get him beyond access. All he had to do, it turned out, was look at the top of the governor’s fund-raising apparatus, just as he had in 1975 when he recruited Carey’s finance chief, Louise Sunshine, as a lobbyist.

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