鈴源織物 夢小路 織絵夢人館


米沢織について ~ YONEZAWA-ORI~ 

2010-09-03 20:00:00 | 夢小路 織絵夢人館へようこそ

   米 沢 織 について


上杉の城下町山形県米沢市に伝わる絹織物、 米沢織。

二代上杉景勝公の時代、領民は自生 していた麻(あおそ・からむし)を

自家用に糸を 紡ぎ布に織っていました。重臣 直江兼続様がこれに着眼、

領内の手仕事にしました。代表 品は裃(かみしも)です。更に名君の誉れ

高い 十代 上杉鷹山公が殖産政策に養蚕を奨励し、絹織物を発展させ、





米沢織織元の店 織絵夢人館(おりえんとかん)は

戦国時代の名将初代上杉謙信公が時代の名将 初代上杉謙信公 二代景勝

 公が重んじられた「義」を 重臣 直江兼続様が 掲げられた「愛」を 上杉鷹山公




Yonezawa Fabric

~beautiful, shiny silk, with a gentle, warm feeling~

Yonezawa fabric is silk goods, which have been handed down for almost 400 years

in Yonezawa City in Yamagata Prefecture, a castle town of Uesugi clan. 

In the time of the 2nd lord, Uesugi Kagekatsu, people wove fabric, using wild ramie

~aoso,karamusi~ fiber.  His chief vassal Naoe Kanetsugu established this as a handicraft

in the domain.  The main product at that time was kamishimo, ceremonial dress for samurai. 

About 400 years later, the 10th lord (or the 9th from Uesugi Kagekatsu) Uesughi Yozan

encouraged people to raise silkworms in order to promote industry and then developed

Yonezawa fabric.  Today, Yonezawa is known nationwide as a center for gorgeous silk fabric

products ~kimono,obi,hakama,necktie,scarf,etc.


  People in Yonezawa inherit “Gi (righteousness),” which was valued by Uesugi Kenshin,

a famous lord in the Age of Civil Wars, and Uesugi Kagekatsu; and “Ai (love),” which

was adopted by Naoe Kanetsugu. We also inherit the spirit of “Naseba naru

(Where there is a will, there is a way.),” which was a motto of Uesugi Yozan.

Our products are made with all that we have inherited including the art of Yonezawa fabric.      

