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読書 その二十一 アース・カラー

2011年01月24日 19時09分55秒 | 読書 (国吉康雄、回顧展カタログの翻訳)

そしてコールド・グレイ(寒灰色)。 肌の色合いは、ピンク(桃色)やローズ(バラ色)は
なく、黄色っぽいか大地的金色でした。 ブルー(青色)は、パープル(紫色)、

"Circus Girl Resting", 1925. Oil on Canvas, (29 x 28 in) Collection of Auburn University.

His early color was chiefly earth tones - ochre, sienna, Indian red, olive
green, black and cold gray. Flesh tones were yellowish or earthy golden, with
no pink or rose. Blue was avoided, as well as purple, violet, or cool red. Black
was used extensively and with stunning effect; the grays were black mixed with
white. From the first Kuniyoshi revealed an instinctive gift for color, not yet
brilliant, but full-blooded and resonant, and highly effective in its simplicity.

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読書 その二十 人物画

2011年01月24日 11時21分53秒 | 読書 (国吉康雄、回顧展カタログの翻訳)
彼の描く人物は、今は大きな尺度で、でかくて単純な形と幅広い領域での色調を持ち、そして全体のデザインはより大胆でした。 線からなるパターンは、それに対比の曲線で断然と一つが他に対抗する役割をしていて強烈である。 デッサンは人の形から最大の効果を得るために
歪められています。 腕がそれらの最も強い面で、足の部分の最高の処は曲線にあります。

"Child Frightened by Water", 1924. Oil on Canvas (30 x 40 in) Gift of Joseph H. Hirshhorn.

His earlier bird's-eye views with their many elements had been abandoned;
his figures were now large in scale, and the whole design was bolder, with big
simple forms and broad areas of color and tone. The linear pattern was strong,
with contrasted curves playing emphatically one against another. The drawing
was distorted to get the maximum effectiveness out of the forms of the figure-
the arms seen in their strongest profile, the legs yielding their utmost in curves.
In the same way the landscape was flattened: the flat sea rose to a high horizon,
the islands and rocks were shown as in maps, getting the greatest value out of
their contours.

"Strong Woman and Child", 1925. Oil. (57 x 45 in) Collection: Mr. Harold Goldsmith.
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