Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band- Dancing In the Darkを聴きに行く2025-59
I used to listen to this song loud in my room.And I became to realize message getting clearer and c
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band - Glory Daysを聴きに行く2025-58
I got old and have a little of glory days with Bruce.I will be thinking about it from n...

映画「名もなき者」の感想 ネタバレ注意
映画『名もなき者』を観ました。ネタバレ注意です。I watched the movie‘A Complete Unknown’...
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band- I'm Goin' Down を聴きに行く2025-57
I feel loose when I listen to this song.I'm thinking it's OK .Brcause I am with Bruce.I...
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band - Bobby Jean を聴きに行く2025-56
I have not experienced the good bye like this song.I want to say good bye like this so...
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band - No Surrenderを聴きに行く2025-55
This song was the opening song of the Letter To You 2023,2024 Tour.I watched and listen...
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band- I'm On Fire を聴きに行く2025-54
When I listened to the album "Born In The U.S.A."I took a rest at this song.But now I f...
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band- Downbound Train を聴きに行く2025-53
I feel this song is so sad.It seems there is no hope.But Bruce sings this song with war...
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band-Working On The Highwayを聴きに行く2025-52
I am really in the rock music.I am in the rock'n rolland forget the real world.Bruce he...
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band-Darlington County を聴きに行く2025-51
The 3rd song of Born In The U.S.A.I was singing sha la la sha la la la la sha la la la ...
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band- Cover Meを聴きに行く2025-50
I have stayed in my room closing the door.I used to listen to the album "Born In The U....