

罪悪感に対する勝利 Victory Over Guilt

2024-11-24 20:40:38 | 日記
Victory Over Guilt

When we are willing to face our guilt, Jesus replaces our burden of shame with peace and joy.

ヨハネの手紙一 1:5-9 5 私たちが神から聞いて、あなたたちに伝える言葉は、神は光であり、神には少しも暗いところがないということです。 6 もし私たちが神と交わりを持っていると言いながら、暗闇の中を歩んでいるなら、私たちは偽りを言っているのであって、真理を行っていません。 7 しかし、神が光の中におられるように、私たちも光の中を歩んでいるなら、私たちは互いに交わりを持っているのです。そして、神の子イエスの血はすべての罪から私たちをきよめます。 8 もし私たちに罪がないと言うなら、私たちは自分を欺いており、真理は私たちのうちにありません。 9 もし私たちが自分の罪を告白するなら、神は真実で正しい方ですから、私たちの罪を赦し、すべての悪から私たちをきよめてくださいます。
1 John 1:5-9 5 This is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all. 6 If we say that we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth; 7 but if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. 8 If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

ヘブル人への手紙 12:2 2 私たちは、信仰の創始者であり完成者であるイエスから目を離しません。イエスは、御自分の前に置かれた喜びのゆえに、恥をもいとわないで十字架を忍び、神の御座の右に着席されました。
Hebrews 12:2 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

At times people are bound by guilt longer than they should be. For some, it’s because they’re living in sin. But others suffer from false guilt because they harbor shame that doesn’t belong to them. Whatever the root cause, however, the way to triumph over guilt is the same.

勝利は、救い主が私たちの恥を十字架に担って下さったことを理解することから始まります (ヘブル人への手紙 12:2)。イエス様がいなければ、負債は清算されなかったでしょう。なぜなら、私たちが自分の罪を償う方法などないからです。しかし、私たちは罪の根源を特定し、神の前で告白する必要があります。それは、私たちがしたことに対する神の見解に同意することを意味します。言い換えれば、私たちは自分が罪を犯したときにそれを認めるのです。悔い改めはさらに一歩進んで、悪事から離れて正しいことを選ぶのです。
Victory begins with understanding that the Savior took our shame to the cross (Hebrews 12:2). Without Jesus, the debt wouldn’t have been settled, because there’s no way that we can pay for our own sin. But we do need to identify the source of our guilt and confess before God. That means we agree with His perspective on what we’ve done—in other words, we admit when we’ve committed an offense. Repentance goes a step further: We turn away from wrong and choose to do right.

Confronting guilt in this way replaces our burden of shame with peace and joy. And an amazing side effect is that we have wisdom to share. Openness about our past mistakes can reveal the Lord to those in our sphere of influence. Through our witness, God may reach others who need their chains broken.

The battle to overcome guilt is one that should not be delayed. Turn to the Lord and ask Him to help you face the source of your guilt. It’s time to start walking in the joy of God’s blessings instead.

神は存在し、そして彼は偉大である There Is a God and He Is Great

2024-11-24 15:24:40 | 日記
There Is a God and He Is Great

私は 10 年近く法律を学び、実務に携わってきました。あらゆる法的訴訟において、証拠は不可欠です。私にとって証拠は重要です。私たちの信仰が説得力のある証拠に基づいていると信じなければ、私はクリスチャンにはなれません。イエス・キリストの生、死、復活には確かな証拠があります。長年にわたり、「新無神論者」による一連の本が出版され、神の存在の証拠はないと示唆し、神は「妄想」である(「神は妄想である」)、「神は偉大ではない」 (別の本のタイトル)と主張しています。もちろん、聖書は神の存在を科学的に証明しようとはしていませんが、「目撃者」の証拠(ペテロ第二 1:16)を示し、「天に神がおられる」 (ダニエル 2:28)、「主は偉大なり」 (詩篇 135:5)と宣言しています。
I studied and practised law for nearly ten years. In every legal case, evidence is vital. Evidence matters to me. I could not be a Christian if I did not believe that our faith is based on compelling evidence. There is good evidence for the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Over the years, there have been a spate of books by the ‘new atheists’ suggesting that there is no evidence for God; that God is a ‘delusion’ (‘*The God Delusion*’) and that ‘*God is Not Great*’ (the title of another of these books). While of course, the Bible does not try to provide a scientific proof for the existence of God, it does point to the evidence of ‘*eye-witnesses*’ (2 Peter 1:16) and proclaims that ‘*there is a God in heaven*’ (Daniel 2:28) and that ‘*the Lord is great*’ (Psalm 135:5).

There is good reason to put your trust in God. You will grow in faith as you study the truth of God’s word and boldly proclaim that ‘there is a God’ and ‘he is great’.

詩篇 135:1-12 NIV [1] 主をほめたたえよ。主の御名をほめたたえよ。主のしもべたちよ、主をほめたたえよ。[2] 主の宮に仕え、われらの神の宮の庭で仕える者たちよ。[3] 主をほめたたえよ。主は慈しみ深い。その御名をほめたたえよ。それは喜ばしいことだ。[4] 主はヤコブを自分のものとし、イスラエルを自分の宝物とされた。[5] わたしは主が偉大であること、われらの主がすべての神々よりも偉大であることを知っている。[6] 主は天と地、海とその深淵において、みこころのままに行われる。[7] 主は地の果てから雲を起し、雨とともに稲妻を送り、その倉から風を引き出す。[8] 主はエジプトの初子、人と家畜の初子を打たれる。 [9] 主はエジプトのあなたの中に、ファラオとその家臣全員に対して、しるしと不思議を送られた。 [10] 主は多くの国々を倒し、力ある王たちを殺された。 [11] アモリ人の王シホン、バシャンの王オグ、カナンの王たちを皆殺しにした。 [12] そして、主は彼らの土地を相続地として、その民イスラエルに相続地として与えられた。
Psalms 135:1-12 NIV [1] Praise the Lord. Praise the name of the Lord; praise him, you servants of the Lord, [2] you who minister in the house of the Lord, in the courts of the house of our God. [3] Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good; sing praise to his name, for that is pleasant. [4] For the Lord has chosen Jacob to be his own, Israel to be his treasured possession. [5] I know that the Lord is great, that our Lord is greater than all gods. [6] The Lord does whatever pleases him, in the heavens and on the earth, in the seas and all their depths. [7] He makes clouds rise from the ends of the earth; he sends lightning with the rain and brings out the wind from his storehouses. [8] He struck down the firstborn of Egypt, the firstborn of people and animals. [9] He sent his signs and wonders into your midst, Egypt, against Pharaoh and all his servants. [10] He struck down many nations and killed mighty kings— [11] Sihon king of the Amorites, Og king of Bashan, and all the kings of Canaan— [12] and he gave their land as an inheritance, an inheritance to his people Israel.

Proclaim the greatness of God

‘God’s so good’ (v.3, MSG). This is the claim of the psalmist: ‘The Lord is great’ (v.5). He remembers God’s relationship with his people (v.4). He sees the world that God created and sustains (vv.6–7), and he testifies to God’s wonderful protection (vv.8–11). This range of experience and evidence underpins his belief in the greatness of God.

礼拝で神の偉大さに応えましょう。詩篇作者は何度も私たちに「主を賛美せよ」と呼びかけています。この呼びかけは、最初の 3 節でさまざまな形で 5 回繰り返されています。主を賛美しましょう。
Respond to God’s greatness in worship. Again and again the psalmist calls us to ‘praise the Lord’ – a call that is repeated, in various forms, five times in the first three verses. Praise the Lord!

Lord, today I want to praise you and worship you. I trust you with my life again today.

ペテロの第二の手紙 1:1-21 NIV [1] イエス・キリストの僕であり使徒であるシモン・ペテロから、私たちの神であり救い主であるイエス・キリストの義により、私たちと同じように尊い信仰を受けた方々へ。[2] 神と私たちの主イエスを知ることによって、恵みと平和があなたがたに豊かにありますように。[3] 神の力は、ご自身の栄光と慈しみによって私たちを召してくださった方を知ることによって、敬虔な生活に必要なすべてのものを私たちに与えてくださいました。[4] 神は、その約束によって、非常に大きく尊い約束を私たちに与えてくださいました。それは、あなたがたがそれらの約束によって、世の悪しき欲望による滅びから逃れ、神の性質にあずかるためです。[5] こういうわけで、あなたがたは、信仰に善意を、善意に知識を、[6] 知識に節制を、節制に忍耐を、忍耐に信心を、[7] 信心に互いの情愛を、互いの情愛に愛を加えるように努めなさい。 [8] これらの特質をあなたがたがますます身につけば、わたしたちの主イエス・キリストを知る知識において、あなたがたはむなしい者、実を結ばない者とならないでしょう。[9] しかし、これらの特質を持たない人は、近視眼的で盲目であり、過去の罪からきよめられたことを忘れています。[10] ですから、兄弟たち、あなたがたは、自分の召しと選びを確かなものにするために、あらゆる努力を払いなさい。これらのことを行えば、あなたがたは決してつまずくことがなく、[11] わたしたちの主であり救い主であるイエス・キリストの永遠の御国に、豊かに迎え入れられるでしょう。[12] ですから、あなたがたはこれらのことを知っており、また、今持っている真理にしっかりと根ざしているとはいえ、わたしはこれらのことをいつもあなたがたに思い起こさせます。[13] わたしがこのからだの幕屋に生きている間は、あなたがたの記憶を新たにしておくのがよいと思います。[14] なぜなら、わたしたちの主イエス・キリストがわたしに明らかにして下さったとおり、わたしは、もうすぐそれを捨てることを知っているからです。[15] そして、わたしが去った後も、あなたがたがこれらのことをいつも思い出せるように、わたしはあらゆる努力をします。 [16] わたしたちの主イエス・キリストが力をもって来られることをあなたがたに告げたとき、わたしたちは巧みな作り話に頼らず、かえってその威厳の目撃者となったのです。[17] 栄光の輝きから声が聞こえて、父なる神から誉れと栄光をお受けになったのです。「これはわたしの愛する子、わたしの心にかなう者である。」[18] わたしたちも、聖なる山でイエスと共にいたとき、天から聞こえたこの声を聞きました。[19] わたしたちはまた、預言の言葉を完全に確かなものとして持っています。夜明けが来て、明けの明星があなたがたの心の中に昇るまで、暗い所を照らすともしびとして、それに目を留めているとよいのです。[20] 何よりもまず、聖書の預言は、預言者自身の解釈によって起こったものではないことを、あなたがたはよく知っていなければなりません。[21] 預言は決して人間の意志から出たものではなく、預言者たちは人間でありながら、聖霊に動かされて、神からのことを語ったのです。
2 Peter 1:1-21 NIV [1] Simon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who through the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ have received a faith as precious as ours: [2] Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. [3] His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. [4] Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. [5] For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; [6] and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; [7] and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. [8] For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. [9] But whoever does not have them is nearsighted and blind, forgetting that they have been cleansed from their past sins. [10] Therefore, my brothers and sisters, make every effort to confirm your calling and election. For if you do these things, you will never stumble, [11] and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. [12] So I will always remind you of these things, even though you know them and are firmly established in the truth you now have. [13] I think it is right to refresh your memory as long as I live in the tent of this body, [14] because I know that I will soon put it aside, as our Lord Jesus Christ has made clear to me. [15] And I will make every effort to see that after my departure you will always be able to remember these things. [16] For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. [17] He received honor and glory from God the Father when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory, saying, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” [18] We ourselves heard this voice that came from heaven when we were with him on the sacred mountain. [19] We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. [20] Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things. [21] For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

Proclaim the truth of God’s word

If you want a closer relationship with God, put time aside to develop that relationship. Spend time with him. As you study his word, your faith grows and your life is changed. The strength of all relationships, including your relationship with God, depends on communication.

In his letter, ‘Simon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ’ (v.1), writes about his ‘faith’ and the faith of his readers ‘whose experience with God is as life-changing as ours’ (v.1, MSG).

Your faith is precious (v.1). ‘Grace’ and ‘peace’ (v.2) are two of the most precious gifts you can ever experience in life. Peter says that they are yours ‘in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord’ (v.2).

Your faith is not irrational. It is ‘the truth’ (v.12). Some people today think that the Bible is full of ‘cleverly invented stories’ (v.16). But Peter writes, ‘We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eye-witnesses of his majesty’ (v.16). Peter is talking particularly about the transfiguration (vv.17–18), when he witnessed the revelation of Jesus’ glory and identity (see Mark 9; Matthew 17; Luke 9). He testifies, ‘We saw it with our own eyes’ (2 Peter 1:16, MSG).

A witness is a word used for someone who gives evidence in a court of law. The evidence about Jesus is more akin to legal evidence than mathematical or scientific proof. There is evidence from eyewitnesses. Faith is not irrational; it is based on what they saw. Peter asserts, ‘We couldn’t be more sure of what we saw and heard’ (v.19, MSG). There are good reasons to believe.

Peter also reminds them of the power and trustworthiness of Scripture: ‘The main thing to keep in mind here is that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of private opinion. And why? Because it’s not something concocted in the human heart. Prophecy resulted when the Holy Spirit prompted men and women to speak God’s word’ (v.21, MSG). The Holy Spirit still speaks through these words of Scripture. As you experience his presence and power through them, they reinforce the truth of your faith.

Faith is not just a set of ideas – it changes the way you live your life. Peter explains that through the Holy Spirit ‘[God’s] divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness’ (v.3).

In light of this he explains that you need to ‘complement your basic faith’. Then Peter lists various qualities you need to seek to develop – ‘good character, spiritual understanding, alert discipline, passionate patience, reverent wonder, warm friendliness, and generous love, each dimension fitting into and developing the others’ (vv.5–7, MSG). These things will keep you from being an ineffective Christian (v.8), and help you to remain strong in your faith until the end (vv.10–11).

God, thank you that our faith is based upon the solid testimony of eyewitnesses and upon our experience of a relationship with you. Help me to grow in that relationship as I trust the truth of your word.

ダニエル 2:24-3:12
Daniel 2:24-3:12
ダニエル書 2:24 新共同訳 [24] それから、ダニエルはバビロンの知者皆殺しの命を受けていたアルヨクのもとに行って、こう言った。 「バビロンの知者を殺さないでください。わたしを王様のもとに連れて行ってくだされば、王様に解釈を申し上げます。」

Proclaim that ‘there is a God’

Refuse to conform to the standards of the world. Have the courage to proclaim that ‘there is a God’ in spite of what others may be saying and doing.

I once knew a godly man nicknamed ‘Gibbo’ who, when he was young, worked as a clerk at Selfridges, the London department store. One day, when the owner Gordon Selfridge was there, the telephone rang and Gibbo answered it. The caller asked to speak to Gordon Selfridge. Gibbo passed on the message and Selfridge replied, ‘Tell him I’m out.’ Gibbo held out the receiver to him and said, ‘You tell him you’re out.’ Gordon Selfridge took the call, but was furious with him. Gibbo said to him afterwards, ‘If I can lie for you, I can lie to you.’ From that moment onwards, Gordon Selfridge had the highest regard for and trust in Gibbo.

Daniel and his three friends believed that ‘there is a God’, and therefore they refused to compromise. By their lives and their lips, they boldly proclaimed, ‘there is a God’.

Daniel was convinced that ‘there is a God in heaven’ (2:28), and this conviction underpins both of the stories in today’s Old Testament passage. In chapter 2 we read of Daniel’s conviction that this God ‘reveals mysteries’ (v.28), and his willingness to act on that belief. In chapter 3, we see his three friends willing to risk death because of their conviction that God exists, and their commitment to worship him alone.

Daniel was humble enough to recognise that the interpretation had been given, not because of his wisdom, but because of the grace of God (v.30).

God told Nebuchadnezzar three things, which are true for you also (vv.36–38): First, all you have has been given to you by God. Second, God has placed you in the position that you are in. Third, God has made you who you are.

Therefore, there is no cause for pride, arrogance or self-satisfaction. Your abilities, gifts and resources are all given to you by God.

ダニエルは夢の解釈を続けました。王国が次々と出現します (おそらくバビロニア、メディア・ペルシャ、アレクサンダー大王の支配するギリシャ、そしてローマ)。しかし重要な点は、バビロニア、ローマ、イギリス、ソビエト、アメリカ、中国のいずれの帝国も、世界のすべての帝国は終わりを迎えるということです。永遠はありません。
Daniel continued to interpret the dream: There will be a succession of kingdoms (probably Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Greek under Alexander the Great and Roman). The key point though is that all the empires of the world – be they Babylonian, Roman, British, Soviet, American or Chinese – all come to an end. None are eternal.

Daniel then spoke of a kingdom that will never be destroyed and will endure forever (v.44). This kingdom is based on the rock cut out of a mountain not of human hands (v.34), a rock that broke the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and the gold to pieces (v.35).

This rock ‘struck the statue’ and ‘became a huge mountain and filled the whole earth’ (v.35). Now, through the lens of Jesus, we see that the rock is Christ (see Isaiah 28:16; 1 Peter 2:4–8; Psalm 118:22–23). He has divine origin. He is the Son of God (‘a rock was cut out, but not by human hands’, Daniel 2:34). His kingdom has seen phenomenal growth (‘filled the whole earth’, v.35).

現在、世界にはイエスの名を告白する人が 20 億人以上います。イエスの王国は永遠の性質を持っています (44 節)。それは、「私たちの主であり救い主であるイエス・キリストの永遠の王国」です (ペテロの手紙 2 章 11 節)。
There are now over two billion people in the world who profess the name of Jesus. His kingdom has an eternal quality (v.44). It is, ‘The eternal kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ’ (2 Peter 1:11).

Daniel’s own position was achieved, not by worldly ambition but by divine intervention on behalf of someone whose aim was simply to obey God rather than human beings. He didn’t seek or crave human affirmation like the magicians of Nebuchadnezzar’s court, but knew his Father and sought his pleasure.

ダニエル、シャデラク、メシャク、アベデネゴは神への忠誠を貫き、信仰のためなら命を捨てる覚悟ができていました(ダニエル書 3 章)。彼らは、神が本当に存在し、偉大な存在であるという事実にすべてを賭ける覚悟ができていました。
Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego remained committed to God and were ready to die for their beliefs (Daniel 3). They were willing to stake everything on the fact that there really is a God and he is great.

Lord, help me to proclaim to the world, by my life and my lips, that there is a God and that you are great.

ペテロの手紙二 1:5-8 には、信仰において「無力で非生産的」になりたくないなら、知識、自制心、忍耐、信心深さ、親切、愛を増し加え続ける必要があると書かれています。私たちは現状に決して満足せず、常に「増し加えること」を求めなければなりません。
Pippa Adds
In 2 Peter 1:5-8, it talks about if we don’t want to be ‘ineffective and unproductive’ in our faith, we need to keep adding more knowledge, more self-control, perseverance, godliness, kindness and love. We should never be satisfied by where we are, but always seeking an ‘increasing measure’.


2024-11-24 14:34:30 | 日記
ヨブ記 13:13-16 NIV [13] 「黙って私に語らせてください。それから何が起ころうとも。[14] なぜ私は危険に身をさらし、自分の命を危険にさらすのでしょうか。[15] たとえ彼が私を殺しても、私は彼に望みを置き、彼の前に私の道を必ず弁明します。[16] 確かに、これは私の救いとなるでしょう。なぜなら、神を恐れる者は彼の前にあえて近づこうとしないからです。
Job 13:13-16 NIV [13] “Keep silent and let me speak; then let come to me what may. [14] Why do I put myself in jeopardy and take my life in my hands? [15] Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him; I will surely defend my ways to his face. [16] Indeed, this will turn out for my deliverance, for no godless person would dare come before him!

Trusting God’s Unseen Hand

In the depths of his suffering and despair, when he had lost his possessions and his health, when he had been falsely accused by friends who should have comforted him, and when God was silent, Job maintained his faith. Though he did not have the Bible as we do as a source of instruction and encouragement, Job’s relationship with God was strong enough to withstand the most severe trial of his life when he had to stand alone.

2017 年 11 月、テキサス州サザーランド スプリングスのファースト バプテスト教会で礼拝中に 26 人が殺害されました。牧師のフランク ポメロイ氏はその日曜日に町を離れていましたが、帰郷して信者のほぼ半数の葬儀を執り行いました。犠牲者の 1 人は 14 歳の娘でした。この悲劇をどう説明するかと尋ねられたポメロイ氏は、「私には理解できませんが、私の神は理解しておられると知っています」と答えました。
In November of 2017, twenty-six people were murdered during the worship service at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. The pastor, Frank Pomeroy, was out of town that Sunday, and he returned home to conduct funerals for nearly half of his congregation. One of the victims was his fourteen-year-old daughter. Asked how he could explain this tragedy, Pomeroy replied, “I don’t understand, but I know my God does.”

God does not owe us an explanation of what He is doing in our lives or a justification for the methods He chooses to bring about His will. He is God, and we are not. It is our responsibility to trust Him whether we can see His plan or not. God does not stop working just because we cannot see what He is doing. He is still there, lovingly working through the circumstances of our lives to conform us to become more like Jesus. Often it is the things that are most painful in the moment that produce the greatest harvest of God’s work in our lives.

成長の原則: 信仰は困難なときに生まれるものではなく、試練にさらされたときに明らかになるものです。
Growth Principle: Faith is not created in hard times, but it is revealed when it is put to the test.

イエスの恵みと真実Grace and Truth in Jesus

2024-11-24 12:14:54 | 日記
ヨハネ 1:14 NIV [14] 御言葉は肉となって、私たちの間に住まわれた。私たちはその栄光を見た。それは父のみもとから来られたひとり子の栄光であり、恵みと真理に満ちていた。
John 1:14 NIV [14] The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.





イエスは、赤ん坊として来るという最も謙虚な方法で地上での宣教を始めました。 しかし、イエスを通して私たちは神の栄光を見るのです。パウロはコロサイ人への手紙の中で、「キリストのうちにこそ、神の満ちあふれる豊かさが形をとって宿っているからです」(コロサイ2:9)と言っています。




Grace and Truth in Jesus

For many centuries, the nation of Israel awaited the coming Messiah who would bring the Kingdom of God and make things right in the world. Despite pain, persecution, and setbacks, they persevered because their hope was grounded in the promises of God.

Israel’s wait was finally over when the Messiah, Jesus, arrived. However, Jesus did not come in a grand procession, or with a large army behind Him. He arrived quietly in the stillness of the night, as a baby, in a little town called Bethlehem.

But in a surprise twist: this newborn was not only the Messiah who would free God’s people from their sins—but God Himself. John tells us that “the Word was God” (John 1:1). The Word exists eternally, but for a time took on human form and lived among people.

Jesus began His earthly ministry in the most humble way–by coming as a baby. But, it’s through the person of Jesus that we see the glory of God. Paul says in Colossians, “For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form” (Colossians 2:9).

The miracle of Jesus being born is that He was fully God and fully human. Jesus came from the Father’s glory, but took on human form so that He could live His life on our behalf.

Jesus’ ministry on earth can be categorized by these two words: grace and truth. Jesus gave grace to people through the forgiveness of sins. But He also brought truth through His teachings and announcements.

All of us who believe in Christ have received both grace and truth from Him. We have been given a second chance at life because of the forgiveness of our sins, and we are saved from eternal separation from God because of the truths we believe.

Thank God for sending His Son to earth as a baby. Spend some time in prayer thanking Him for the grace and truth that you have received.

A Prayer for Grace and Truth

God, I sometimes struggle to give myself grace. It can be hard to forgive myself for things that I’ve done, but I know that You’ve forgiven me. And because You have forgiven me, I can forgive myself. Thank You for sending Your son, Jesus, to save me from my sins. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

罪悪感を理解する Understanding Guilt

2024-11-24 00:10:42 | 日記
Understanding Guilt

Are you living with the freedom and love Jesus offers?

ヨハネ 8:1-11 1 しかしイエスはオリーブ山へ行かれた。 2 朝早く、イエスはまた神殿に入られた。民衆が皆イエスのもとに集まってきたので、イエスは腰を下ろして教え始められた。 3 律法学者とパリサイ人たちは姦淫の現場で捕まった女を連れて来て、庭の中央に立たせ、 4 イエスに言った。「先生、この女は姦淫の現場で捕まりました。 5 モーセは律法の中で、このような女を石で打ち殺せと命じています。ではあなたはどうお考えですか。」 6 彼らはイエスを試して、告発の口実を得ようとして、こう言った。しかしイエスは身をかがめて、指で地面に何かを書き始めた。 7 しかし彼らがしつこく尋ねたので、イエスは身を起こして言われた。「あなたたちのうちで罪のない者が、まずこの女に石を投げなさい。」 8 イエスは再び身をかがめて、地面に何かを書き始めた。 9 人々はこれを聞くと、年長者から始めて、一人ずつ出て行き、イエスと女だけが中庭の中央に残された。 10 イエスは身を起こして女に言われた。「婦人よ、あの人たちはどこにいるのか。だれもあなたを罪に定めなかったのか。」 11 彼女は言った。「だれもいません、主よ。」するとイエスは言われた。「わたしもあなたを罪に定めない。行きなさい。これからはもう罪を犯さないように。」]
John 8:1-11 1 But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. 2 Early in the morning He came again into the temple, and all the people were coming to Him; and He sat down and began to teach them. 3 The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman caught in adultery, and having set her in the center of the court, 4 they said to Him, ``Teacher, this woman has been caught in adultery, in the very act. 5 ``Now in the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women; what then do You say?" 6 They were saying this, testing Him, so that they might have grounds for accusing Him. But Jesus stooped down and with His finger wrote on the ground. 7 But when they persisted in asking Him, He straightened up, and said to them, ``He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." 8 Again He stooped down and wrote on the ground. 9 When they heard it, they began to go out one by one, beginning with the older ones, and He was left alone, and the woman, where she was, in the center of the court. 10 Straightening up, Jesus said to her, ``Woman, where are they? Did no one condemn you?" 11 She said, ``No one, Lord." And Jesus said, ``I do not condemn you, either. Go. From now on sin no more."]

ローマ人への手紙 8:1 1 ですから、今は、キリスト・イエスにある者には罪に定められることはありません。
Romans 8:1 1 Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.


Good guilt—the Lord’s tool for prompting repentance—is a gift that helps us find the right path. However, the Devil encourages false guilt, which leads us to feel responsible for things outside our control. This unhealthy type of guilt is a widespread problem for those in legalistic churches or lifestyles—certain behaviors or thoughts are labeled as wrong, and then people feel ashamed for doing or thinking those things.

Self-condemnation stunts a relationship with Jesus by keeping us from authentic, satisfying experiences with Him. Instead of enjoying His peace, those trapped by shame fear His rejection and feel driven to prove their worth. Trust is nearly impossible because they are waiting for God’s judgment to rain down.

イエスは私たちを裁くために来られたのではありません(ローマ人への手紙 8:1)。イエスは私たちの魂を回復し、神の前に私たちを義としました。それによって私たちの罪は取り除かれ、イエスが望んでいるのはあなたの恥を取り除くことだけです。今日、イエスにそれを明け渡しなさい。そうすれば、イエスはあなたに自由を与えてくださいます。
Jesus did not come to condemn us (Romans 8:1). He restored our souls and made us righteous before God so that our guilt is removed, and He wants nothing more than to take your shame away. Surrender it to Jesus today, and He will give you freedom.
Guilt over doing something that violates the conscience is reasonable. However, living under a cloud of remorse for no reason isn’t. God designed guilt to serve as a reminder that we’ve sinned and need to repent. But Satan twists those emotions to imprison us— that’s why people living in shame often feel unsure of God’s love.