イザヤ書 11:1 NIV
[1] エッサイの株から新芽が出て、その根から枝が出て実を結ぶ。
Isaiah 11:1 NIV
[1] A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit.
この聖句は、私たちにとって重要な適用についても指摘しています。つまり、神は私たちの人生で死んでいるように見えるものを取り上げて、新たな成長を起こさせることができるということです。 すべてが終わって死んだように見えるときでも、成長の奇跡は常に起こり得ます。
The Miracle of New Growth
This scripture shares the important truth that new growth is coming. What is unique is the growth isn’t coming from a vibrant tree, but from a stump! A stump is the remains of something that once was vibrant and full of life, but is now seemingly dead.
But what appears to be dead is instead going to produce a “tender shoot,” meaning a young, new growth, and out of that new growth the branch will bear fruit.
For Christians, this verse is talking about the coming Messiah, Jesus, who will come from the family line of Jesse. A family that seemingly was done and cut off to just the stump. Yet, he came as a “tender shoot,” as a baby in a manger, and lived a life to bear fruit for his father and ultimately pay the sacrifice for all our sins on the cross.
This verse also points to an important application for us—that God can take things that look dead in our life and cause new growth to appear. Even when it all seems done and dead, the miracle of growth is always possible.
A Prayer for New Growth
God, would you bring new growth into my life where these things seemed dead? You have been so good to me, but right now, in this Christmas season, I’m wanting to see the miracle of new growth in my life. Will you help me to see the “tender shoot” of growth around me and give me a grateful heart as you work in me? In Jesus' name, amen.