エレミヤ書 33:14 NIV
[14] 「主は言われる。『わたしがイスラエルとユダの人々に立てた良い約束を果たす日が来る。』
Jeremiah 33:14 NIV
[14] “ ‘The days are coming,’ declares the Lord, ‘when I will fulfill the good promise I made to the people of Israel and Judah.
エレミヤ書 33:14 NIV
より良い未来という神の約束は、あなたにも当てはまります。私たちが全人生をかけて神を追い求めるとき、私たちは平安、強さ、満足感を見出します。そして、いつの日かイエスと共に永遠を過ごすことができると確信して生きます。 神が約束を果たしてくださったと信じて、私たちは新しい命を得ます。
God Keeps His Promises
“'The days are coming,’ declares the Lord, ‘when I will fulfill the good promise I made to the people of Israel and Judah.'”
Jeremiah 33:14 NIV
A lot of people would have laughed at Jeremiah when he said these words. Why? Because it seemed like God had abandoned both Israel and Judah.
At this point in the story of the Bible, Israel is gone—wiped out by an invading army. Now Judah is alone, and another massive army is at their gates to destroy them, too. The situation couldn’t have been more hopeless.
Have you experienced a moment like that? Maybe it was a life-changing loss, or impossibly difficult news. In those painful moments, it can feel impossible to trust God’s promises. The people listening to Jeremiah probably felt the same way. But it wasn’t the end of their story because circumstances can’t ruin God’s promises.
Yes, the enemy broke in and took God’s people into captivity for decades. But God didn’t abandon His people or give up on His promises. Over time, He rescued His people from captivity and brought them back home.
God hasn’t abandoned you in your pain either. You might feel like there’s no way out of your situation, or that your choices disqualify you from God’s love. But God keeps His promises.
For generations after returning from captivity, God’s people struggled. They continued to face heartbreak, setbacks, invasions, and captivity. But when they least expected it, God fulfilled His promise. He sent His son, Jesus, to lead everyone, including the people of Israel and Judah, into a new and better future.
God's promise of a better future applies to you, too. When we pursue God with our whole lives, we find peace, strength, and contentment. And we live with confidence knowing that one day, we’ll get to spend eternity with Jesus. We have new life believing that God has fulfilled His promise.
A Prayer of Confidence
God, help me to find confidence in Your good promises. You are faithful and won’t abandon me. So please keep me from negativity or despair and help me to pursue You with my whole life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.