『 うさぎの言霊 』 Rabbit's Kotodama 


大聖トスの「 七つの呼吸法 」 Great Saint Toth's 「 Seven Breathing Techniques 」

2024年04月17日 20時55分24秒 | 宇宙意識に目覚めよう!

  Hello everyone, or good evening・・・


If you speak English and are reading this blog for the first time,
we recommend that you start from the article below.

The Great Saint in the title refers to the Ascended Master.
Thos refers to the Egyptian god Thoth.

I never thought I'd make a new post, but I just noticed something and 
am in a hurry to type it out.

Today, as if I was being guided by something, I opened the 
``Emerald Tablet '' and was shocked to see so many things that I needed right now.

One of the things that seemed necessary was a description of 
``breathing techniques ''.

My daily training consists of walking for around 15 minutes, 
light muscle training, reciting 9 types of mantras, 
and meditating for 10 to 15 minutes.

In addition to this, I try to understand and read all phenomena as divine signs,
but I have not yet reached the point where I have clearly improved the level 
of my soul, especially telepathy and the ability to read the Akashic records.

In other words, I felt stuck and was looking for a way to break out of the current situation, 
so I am grateful to God for giving me such a wonderful hint.

On pages 18 to 19 of the preface of " The Emerald Tablet,"  
there is a specific description of the " Seven Breathing Techniques."

This breathing method triggers the opening of the ``third eye chakra'' and
enables the activation of ``creative abilities.''

 First, sit comfortably.

While mentally reciting Om seven times, inhale and collect it in the lower abdomen, 
and hold the breath for seven Oms.

Next, relax your lower abdomen and stretch your back a little.
Make the solar plexus swell.

In other words, the bottom of the ribs should bulge out a little.
Hold the Om chant for seven times, then slowly exhale through your nose.

The length of time you say it should be the length of chanting Om seven times.

This is the secret of great conscious expansion, and is the teaching of the Great Saint Toth.

This breathing method can be done for just 2 to 3 minutes.

Why not try adding it to your daily training ?

 " Emerald Tablet "

The original text is engraved on an emerald stone tablet.

Tote chopsticks, edited by M. Dorill / Ryuo Bunko, regular price, 1,700 yen

   Now, it's time for  " Today's Recommended Number ".    
    Herb Alpert / Fandango

愛と光のマントラ 2 love and light mantra 2

2024年04月17日 17時07分40秒 | 宇宙意識に目覚めよう!

 Hello everyone, or good evening・・・


If you speak English and are reading this blog for the first time,
we recommend that you start from the article below.
大和民族の憂鬱 1 Melancholy of the Yamato people 1 - 『 うさぎの言霊 』 Rabbit's Kotodama  

  July 4, 2008

Mantra of Light Part 4 『 不動明王真言 』Fudo Myooh Mantra

If I were to borrow Kukai's words about mantras, I would say the following.

``Mantras are mysterious things, and by continuously reciting them, 
you can instantly get rid of your worries and doubts.
Each letter contains a thousand truths, so if you recite the mantra with 
all your heart, a miracle will immediately happen to you."

In the first place, it is said that mantras should not be translated in 
an easy-to-understand manner.

Since it is secretly taught to those who have reached a certain frequency range,
it is called secret teaching = esoteric Buddhism.

The same can be said of ancient texts such as the Emerald Tablet
whose codes cannot be read unless a certain frequency range is reached.

In that sense, updating my blog with articles like the one I covered 
this week is a life and death.

I may be able to introduce a few more, but I would like to
thank you very much for giving me this opportunity.

I can only be grateful for everything.

Among the mantras I have introduced, the one known as the strongest is 
said to be the ``Fudo Myooh Mantra''.

Fudo Myooh is an incarnation of Dainichi Nyorai,

 Buddhism = Christianity = Hinduism

  When applied to each of the

 Fudo Myooh = Archangel Michael = Indra

In terms of whether or not they are the same being, 
it can be said that each being has a similar role.

Fudo Myooh is actually shedding tears.

Google translation doesn't convey the meaning well.
For now, we will post the original Japanese text and the translated text.


To those who are complicit in the existence of darkness, 
such as evil spirits and low-class spirits, you dare to act like a thug with 
tears in your eyes, asking, ``Do you not understand that I have made you look like this ? ''
Like a man of great wrath, he continues to cut off earthly desires and 
crush evil spirits, even putting on an angry face.

If you were to know that in the midst of his intense anger, 
he was shedding tears of mercy, and that he was entrusted with 
such a difficult job, your view of Fudo Myoo would probably change.

I will translate this together with the angels,
including interpretations from the angelic world.

 Namah samanta-vajranam, canda-maharosana
 sphotaya hum trat ham mam

The literal translation of each of these is

Namah のーまく = 帰依する = rely on
samanta さんまんだー = あまねく = All over the place
 ばーざらだん = 諸々の金剛尊 = Various Vajra Venerables
 せんだー = 暴悪者よ = A thug
 まーかろしゃーだー = 大憤怒者よ =  Great wrath person
sphotaya そわたや = 砕破せよ = Destroy it
hum trat 
うんたらたー = 憤怒の聖語 = holy word of wrath
ham mam 
かんまん = 不動尊の種子(菩薩の象徴)= 
             Seed of Fudoson (symbol of Bodhisattva) 

 It seems that it will be.

I believe in and follow all the Vajra Venerables.

to remove all evil spirits
Fudo Myooh, who appears with the appearance of fierce, furious rage.
Destroy all earthly desires, evil spirits, and obstacles.

Khan Maan ( Represents Fudo Myooh as a symbol of Bodhisattva )

I'm very sorry, but `` Mantra of Light Part 5 '' is too long, so I don't recite it when I visit the shrine, but I would like to introduce it to you.
If you are interested in『 観音経 普門品 第二十五 』 
 ``Kannon Sutra Fumon Item No. 25,'' 
please check it out for yourself.

 May 5, 2009

Mantra of Light Part 6  “ Ganesha holy heaven Mantra ”

For the past few days, Ganesha has been coming out and rushing 
me over and over again.

At the end of the day, the word ``Ganesha'' flashed across the TV screen, 
so I decided to write this article.

I'm sure there are people reading this blog who need it.

I believe it was at the beginning of 2007 AD that I had a real and 
clear encounter with Ganesha.

It was a dream, but it was more real than reality.

In the center was Vishnu, and in a circle around him were Lakshmi, Ganesha,
and other celestial maiden-like figures, thought to be Hindu gods.

They seem to be dancing gorgeously around Vishnu, and the scene where they are, 
with colorful plants and flowers blooming and rivers flowing, 
is like watching a moving mandala. did.

I didn't know much about Hinduism then, and I still don't know much about the religion.

Therefore, it was a mystery why it appeared in my dream in such a form.

Since my birth in the universe itself is a mystery, I will say that mystery 
begets mystery, and likeness begets friends.

The color of Ganesha's energy body is pink, and it may be 
said that he is similar to Uka no Mitama no Kami, also known as Inari God.

Although there were many gods in the heavens who were humans in the past,
beings like Ganesha would not be included in these examples.

In other words, they are ascended masters who are essentially elephant-headed beings, 
and they exist in the multidimensional universe, past, present, and future.

Ganesha, of course, has no gender, but if anything, he has a strong sense of being a woman.

I would like to work with the residents of the angelic world to translate 
the mantra that is chanted to Ganesha,
including the interpretation of the angelic world.

おん きりく ぎゃく うん そわか
On Kiriku Gyaku Yeah Sowaka 
Om hrih gah hum svaha

Ohn  ( sacred sound representing the origin of the universe )

He released all earthly desires and perfected the wisdom of the laws of the universe.
Ganesha, the god of happiness and learning

May my wishes come true in peace.

From here on, 『数霊に秘められた宇宙の叡智』  深田剛史/はせくらみゆき 著 
“The wisdom of the universe hidden in the spirits of numbers” 
written by Tsuyoshi Fukada / Miyuki Hasekura
I will refer to it.

I will list the previous page of the table of contents.

1 ひ hi・ふ fu・ 3 み mi・ よ yo・ 5 い i・ 6 む mu・ 7 な na・ 8 や ya・ 9 こ ko・ 10 と to
・・・these are,
It can also be written as 日(霊)sun ( spirit ), wind, 水 water, 土 earth,
草 grass,  虫 insects,  魚 fish,  鳥 birds, 獣 beasts, and 人 humans, 
and represents the order of the earth's creation.
First there was the sun and spirit, and the wind (atmosphere) was born, 
which was divided into water and earth, from the earth grass grew and 
insects were born, and from the water fish were born.

It can also be interpreted that birds and beasts were born in the sky, 
and finally humans were born.

  ( Heaven's number song )Prayer using Hifumi's Shinto ritual prayer

 一二三四五六七八九十、 布留部 由良由良止 布留部
( ひと ふた み よ いつ む なな や ここの たり、
 ふるべ ゆらゆらと ふるべ) 」 
( hito huta mi yo itu mu nana ya kokono tari, furube yurayurato furube )

  ( Hifumi Shinto ritual prayer )recite all the phonemes

ひふみ よいむなや こともちろらね しきる ゆゐつわぬ そをたはくめか 
うおえ にさりへて のますあせゑほれけ(ん)

   Please watch the video below.

“Hifumi Norito” written in Hotsuma script (Jindai script)

Please refer to the video below to learn about the ancient characters.

On my days off from work, I always visit the shrine of my local deity.

At that time, first drop the offering money in, and then move it to a place
beside the shrine where it will not interfere with other worshipers.
Then, I would like to offer a daily prayer of gratitude.

Then, ``Heart Sutra,'' ``Jukku Kannon Sutra,'' ``Komyo Mantra,'' 
``Benzaiten Mantra,'' ``Fudo Myoo Mantra,'' 
``Ganesha Sacred Scripture Mantra,'' as well as ``Hifumi Norito,'' 
and ``Heaven's Song.'' , I am reciting it.

After that, I meditate for about 5 to 10 minutes.

I had quite a bit of trouble memorizing the Heart Sutra, but I had no problems
with the other mantras, so let's start by printing out the mantra part and
chanting it while looking at it.

I think you will gradually learn it.
The important thing is to understand the meaning of each mantra while chanting it.

Also, if you are from a foreign country, there are probably no shrines, 
so it would be best to face the light from the window of your room, 
or pray facing the sun if you are outside.
Meditation is also very important, so please make some time every day to practice it.

Now, let's work together to overcome the approaching X-Day.
Regardless of distance, we are all connected.

No matter what happens, don't be afraid, don't hesitate, 
and keep strong in your heart the " flame of courage and the echo of silence ! "

Furthermore, ``For every 99 % of human effort, God rewards 1 % ! '' 
Please keep this in mind as well.

 Now, it's time for  " Today's Recommended Number ".

    Stevie Wonder - Superwoman