IronPython で TemplateBinding を使用
Charles Petzold のC#プログラムを IronPython に変換しました。
#// Charles Petzold has a nice sample on how to create ControlTemplate in code.
import clr
from System.Windows import (Window, Application, Style, Setter,
Thickness, FrameworkElementFactory, SystemColors,
HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment,
TemplateBindingExtension, MessageBox, Trigger,
UIElement, CornerRadius, FontStyles )
from System.Windows.Controls import (Button, Border, Control,
ControlTemplate, ContentPresenter )
from System.Windows.Media import Color, Colors, SolidColorBrush, Brushes
class Window1(Window):
def __init__(self):
self.Title = "Build Button Factory"
self.Width = 700
self.Height = 250
#// Create a ControlTemplate intended for a Button object.
template = ControlTemplate(Button) #(typeof(Button));
#// Create a FrameworkElementFactory for the Border class.
factoryBorder = FrameworkElementFactory(Border)
#// Give it a name to refer to it later.
factoryBorder.Name = "border"
#// Set certain default properties.
factoryBorder.SetValue(Border.BorderBrushProperty, Brushes.Red)
factoryBorder.SetValue(Border.BorderThicknessProperty, Thickness(3))
factoryBorder.SetValue(Border.BackgroundProperty, SystemColors.ControlLightBrush )
#// Create a FrameworkElementFactory for the ContentPresenter class.
factoryContent = FrameworkElementFactory(ContentPresenter)
#// Give it a name to refer to it later.
factoryContent.Name = "content"
#// Bind some ContentPresenter properties to Button properties.
#// Notice that the button's Padding is the content's Margin!
#// Make the ContentPresenter a child of the Border.
#// Make the Border the root element of the visual tree.
template.VisualTree = factoryBorder
#// Define a new Trigger when IsMouseOver is true
trig = Trigger()
trig.Property = UIElement.IsMouseOverProperty
trig.Value = True
#// Associate a Setter with that Trigger to change the
#// CornerRadius property of the "border" element.
set = Setter()
set.Property = Border.CornerRadiusProperty
set.Value = CornerRadius(24)
set.TargetName = "border"
#// Add the Setter to the Setters collection of the Trigger.
#// Similarly, define a Setter to change the FontStyle.
#// (No TargetName is needed because it's the button's property.)
set = Setter()
set.Property = Control.FontStyleProperty
set.Value = FontStyles.Italic
#// Add it to the same trigger's Setters collection as before.
#// Add the Trigger to the template.
#// Similarly, define a Trigger for IsPressed.
trig = Trigger()
trig.Property = Button.IsPressedProperty
trig.Value = True
set = Setter()
set.Property = Border.BackgroundProperty
set.Value = SystemColors.ControlDarkBrush
set.TargetName = "border"
#// Add the Setter to the trigger's Setters collection.
#// Add the Trigger to the template.
#// Finally, create a Button.
btn = Button()
#// Give it the template.
btn.Template = template
#// Define other properties normally.
btn.Content = "Button with Custom Template"
btn.Padding = Thickness(20)
btn.FontSize = 48
btn.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center
btn.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center
btn.Click += self.ButtonOnClick
self.Content = btn
def ButtonOnClick(self, sender, args):
MessageBox.Show("You clicked the button", self.Title)
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = Application()
#// Charles Petzold has a nice sample on how to create ControlTemplate in code.
import clr
from System.Windows import (Window, Application, Style, Setter,
Thickness, FrameworkElementFactory, SystemColors,
HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment,
TemplateBindingExtension, MessageBox, Trigger,
UIElement, CornerRadius, FontStyles )
from System.Windows.Controls import (Button, Border, Control,
ControlTemplate, ContentPresenter )
from System.Windows.Media import Color, Colors, SolidColorBrush, Brushes
class Window1(Window):
def __init__(self):
self.Title = "Build Button Factory"
self.Width = 700
self.Height = 250
#// Create a ControlTemplate intended for a Button object.
template = ControlTemplate(Button) #(typeof(Button));
#// Create a FrameworkElementFactory for the Border class.
factoryBorder = FrameworkElementFactory(Border)
#// Give it a name to refer to it later.
factoryBorder.Name = "border"
#// Set certain default properties.
factoryBorder.SetValue(Border.BorderBrushProperty, Brushes.Red)
factoryBorder.SetValue(Border.BorderThicknessProperty, Thickness(3))
factoryBorder.SetValue(Border.BackgroundProperty, SystemColors.ControlLightBrush )
#// Create a FrameworkElementFactory for the ContentPresenter class.
factoryContent = FrameworkElementFactory(ContentPresenter)
#// Give it a name to refer to it later.
factoryContent.Name = "content"
#// Bind some ContentPresenter properties to Button properties.
#// Notice that the button's Padding is the content's Margin!
#// Make the ContentPresenter a child of the Border.
#// Make the Border the root element of the visual tree.
template.VisualTree = factoryBorder
#// Define a new Trigger when IsMouseOver is true
trig = Trigger()
trig.Property = UIElement.IsMouseOverProperty
trig.Value = True
#// Associate a Setter with that Trigger to change the
#// CornerRadius property of the "border" element.
set = Setter()
set.Property = Border.CornerRadiusProperty
set.Value = CornerRadius(24)
set.TargetName = "border"
#// Add the Setter to the Setters collection of the Trigger.
#// Similarly, define a Setter to change the FontStyle.
#// (No TargetName is needed because it's the button's property.)
set = Setter()
set.Property = Control.FontStyleProperty
set.Value = FontStyles.Italic
#// Add it to the same trigger's Setters collection as before.
#// Add the Trigger to the template.
#// Similarly, define a Trigger for IsPressed.
trig = Trigger()
trig.Property = Button.IsPressedProperty
trig.Value = True
set = Setter()
set.Property = Border.BackgroundProperty
set.Value = SystemColors.ControlDarkBrush
set.TargetName = "border"
#// Add the Setter to the trigger's Setters collection.
#// Add the Trigger to the template.
#// Finally, create a Button.
btn = Button()
#// Give it the template.
btn.Template = template
#// Define other properties normally.
btn.Content = "Button with Custom Template"
btn.Padding = Thickness(20)
btn.FontSize = 48
btn.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center
btn.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center
btn.Click += self.ButtonOnClick
self.Content = btn
def ButtonOnClick(self, sender, args):
MessageBox.Show("You clicked the button", self.Title)
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = Application()
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