


2019年04月07日 | 学会/研究会
Nepalの国際学会(the International Conference of Nepal Society of Neurosurgeons)に参加しました。世界脳神経外科連合(WFNS)の教育コースも兼ねていたため、多くの有名な日本の先生方とお会いしました。Nepalと日本との結びつきは強い!と感じました。自身の学会発表にも多くのお褒めの言葉をいただき、とても嬉しかったです。
そして何よりも、以前当科に来てくれたPraveshやAnish、そしてProf. Pantに会えてとても充実した時間でした。

I have been attending the International Conference of Nepal Society of Neurosurgeons. This meeting had the session of WFNS educational course, so we met lots of Japanese famous neurosurgeons. I realized that the relationship between Nepalase and Japanese neurosurgeons were strong! Also, I was really happy to get a lot of compliments to my presentation at the conference.
Due to bad weather, I saw the mountains only a bit, but I am happy to get a beautiful painting of the Himalaya (with a big discount!).
Above all, I had a wonderful time to see Dr. Pravesh Rajbhandari, Dr. Anish Neupane who visited my department previously, and their boss, Prof. Basant Pant there.
I'd like to stay longer and enjoy Himalaya next time.
Thank you everybody, especially Dr. Saujanya Rajbhandari, for kind support during our stay.

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