文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The character for overseas Chinese means rootless. So, Davos with China

2023年08月09日 23時12分00秒 | 全般

It is the chapter I sent out on 11/3/2016.
I am re-submitting it.
It is a must-read not only for the people of Japan but for people around the world.

At the beginning of the monthly magazine Sound Argument, there is a serial column titled "Now and then's record" written by Masayuki Takayama, the one and only journalist in the postwar world who is not at all an exaggeration to say another me.
Each time, he proves that my assessment of him is correct.
The following is an excerpt.
After reading this article and the blurb by Miroslav Marinov, a Bulgarian journalist like Irina Bokova, whom I mentioned in the previous chapter, you will immediately feel compelled to head to the bookstore and subscribe to the December issue of Sound Argument (¥780).
Preamble omitted
The Japanese finish well.
That is why the Japanese prefer to avoid "unsettled situations."
This phrase was born in China, and it gives us a mental picture that is very typical of Chinese people. 
However, for some reason, this "unsettled situation" has recently become very popular in Japanese society.
It may be because the Japanese have become Chinese, but one example is the nationality issue of Renho, who is the closest to the Chinese.
Renho has Taiwanese nationality.
So Renho had a Taiwanese passport until the other day when she applied for removal from Taiwan.
It means that, when Taiwanese passports were the only passports available, she could have first traveled to Hong Kong with a Taiwanese passport, like Teresa Teng, and then bought a fake passport from Indonesia or some other country and left the country. 
When she became a Japanese citizen at 17, she did not erase her Taiwanese nationality.
The reason for this, as Renho said, was probably to follow the way of life of her "Chinese-born father."
The family has been subsisting on banana interests.
Rather than the simple Taiwanese people we think of, they are more like overseas Chinese.
Therefore, they did not intend to live only by Japanese nationality. 
The character for overseas Chinese means rootless.
*I re-read this passage; the following "transcendence" came to me.
So, China and Davos = Kissinger = Klaus Schwab. *
Lee Kuan Yew (Lee Kuan Yew), who created the Singapore empire, had a habit of drifting anywhere, as he drifted to French Indo-Benghai, then to British Malaya, and finally to Singapore.
That is why she did not abandon her Taiwanese nationality until the issue of her nationality came to the fore. 
She says she is Japanese.
As Kunihiko Miyake wrote somewhere, the question now is not whether she made a procedural error or violated some other law, but which country Renho "is loyal to. 
She claims to be Japanese, but nothing is Japanese about her behavior.
She openly calls Katsuya Okada "a boring man" and abuses him as "a man women don't want to marry."
There is not a shred of humility in the way she says it, nor is there any sense of enthusiasm to try to have one.
Instead, she does not hide her longing for "China, where her father was born."
She names her children after Shina.
In one magazine, she says, "I want to make Japan a little better."
She's mocking not only Okada but Japan as well. 
Renho's study at Peking University also concerns me.
She studied at this university while still holding Taiwanese citizenship. 
Speaking of Peking University, I recall Kazuo Asami of Mainichi Newspaper, who wrote a lie about the "Hundred man killing contest."
After the war, Ensign Noda and Ensign Mukai were executed in Yuhuatai for Asami's false article. 
Liao Chengzhi emphasized the "Hundred man killing contest" as the "only Japanese-made" lie about "brutal Japan." 
So, fearing that Asami would change sides and tell the truth, he had Asami and his family move to Beijing.
It was at this time that his daughter was admitted to Peking University. 
There was even talk of inviting Yoichi Funabashi of the Asahi Shimbun, who had been flirting with China, to become a professor at this university.
The university section of China's anti-Japanese work has been used here for a long time.
It is no wonder that Renho, who has Taiwanese citizenship, was readily admitted as a married couple. 
Except for the Sankei Shimbun, no one is writing about the approach of such a dubious person to the prime minister's position.
The rest of the media is making it an unsettled situation. 
As for the former Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), Naoto Kan took money from foreigners to run the country.
Some of these measures were for the convenience of the foreign countries.
One such measure was the donation of the Korean Royal Protocols.
More evident than Kakuei's, the prime minister's crimes were also mixed up in the 3.11 uproar and have since been left as an unsettled situation without any resolution. 
Then there is the Amari Akira affair.
Minister Amari yelled at U.S. Representative Indecisiveness Froman during the TPP negotiations.
He also reprimanded the New Zealand delegation for being preoccupied with appearances.
I was impressed that Japan had someone who could conduct such shrewd diplomacy. 
But his shrewdness was undermined.
A man approached him in Chiba, saying he would set up a supporters' group for Amari.
The aim was to use the name "Amari" in negotiations with the Japan Housing Corporation to conclude a dubious financial deal.
The man took the money.
This man tip-offed Bunshun, who took advantage of Amari and slung mud at him.
The result was that Amari was not prosecuted.
However, the shrewd Amari suffered much damage because of this garbage. 
The prosecutor's office ended up in an unsettled situation by not building a case against this man.
The Japanese people are waiting for this man and Bunshun to be rightly judged.
The rest of this article is an abbreviation.


