文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The resolve of the West is being questioned.

2023年03月14日 22時18分35秒 | 全般

The following is from a tweet by @KadotaRyusho that I discovered this morning.
The National People's Congress has concluded.
President Xi Jinping reiterated the importance of Taiwan's unification, saying, "We must firmly oppose the interference of outside forces and the divisive activities of "Taiwan independence" and unswervingly promote the process of national reunification.
It is the declaration of aggression against the Republic of China (Taiwan), a permanent member of the UN Security Council until 1971.
The resolve of the West is being questioned.
When I saw this tweet this morning, I became more and more transcendent about the Abe assassination. I was convinced that China was the mastermind behind the incident.
In any other country, this would be an incident that would lead to war.
That is why the Nara Prefectural Police were in such a strange position in their investigation.
I was also surprised to see Nara City Mayor Gen Nakagawa by Yamagami's side on the day of the incident. 
That is why I was surprised and, at the same time, understood why he was trying to cover the scene without leaving any trace.
Not only is he from a non-profit organization that, to put it bluntly, siphons off public funds, but he is also, needless to say, pro-China.
In South Korea, a country that has continued anti-Japanese education, the very essence of Nazism, since the end of World War II, one can find any number of fanatical totalitarians who have been brought up with such education and who would consider assassinating Mr. Abe.
And China, which Mr. Abe has already figured out that the Taiwan crisis is a Japanese crisis, has plenty of people who will try to assassinate Mr. Abe.

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