
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ 国際刑事裁判所:バシル逮捕状は犠牲者への法の正義実現に大きな前進



(The Hague) - Today's decision by the International Criminal Court (ICC) to issue an arrest warrant for Sudanese president General Omar al-Bashir is a major step toward combating impunity associated with the horrific crimes in Darfur, said a coalition of 46 organizations from the Justice for Darfur campaign. President al-Bashir is wanted by the court for crimes against humanity and war crimes.


Justice for Darfur called on the international community to press Sudanese authorities to comply with their obligations to execute the warrant. The government of Sudan has failed to bring to justice any of those responsible for crimes under international law in Darfur, and has so far refused to cooperate with the ICC and to surrender any of the suspects.


"The ICC represents the best hope for justice for the victims of Darfur," said Dismas Nkunda of the International Refugee Rights Initiative. "The international community must ensure that Sudan complies with its obligation to cooperate with the ICC, including by handing over anyone subject to an arrest warrant."

2005年、国連安全保障理事会は、2002年以降ダルフールで行なわれた犯罪を捜査し起訴する権限をICCの検察官に付与した。同裁判所は現在までに3通の逮捕状を発付している。;アル-バシル大統領、現人道問題担当大臣アーメド・ハルーン、ジャンジャウィード指導者アリ・クシャイブの各人に対するものである。 ICC検察官は、ダルフールで国際平和維持軍への攻撃に関与した反乱軍指導者3名への逮捕状も請求している。

In 2005, the UN Security Council mandated the prosecutor of the ICC to investigate and prosecute crimes committed in Darfur since 2002. The court has now issued three arrest warrants, for: President al-Bashir, current State Minister for Humanitarian Affairs Ahmad Haroun, and Janjaweed leader Ali Kushayb. The ICC prosecutor has also requested arrest warrants for three rebel leaders implicated in attacks on international peacekeepers in Darfur.


The Justice for Darfur campaign also called on UN Security Council members to remain committed to the independence of the ICC and to reject any attempt to invoke article 16 of the Rome Statute, which would defer investigation and prosecution of crimes under international law in Darfur.


Over recent months, some Sudanese officials have threatened that issuing an arrest warrant for al-Bashir would jeopardize the safety of the UN staff and infrastructure as well as humanitarian staff in Sudan.


The Justice for Darfur campaign also expressed concerns about the increasing harassment faced by human rights defenders and others in Sudan who have spoken out in support of justice for the victims in Darfur.


"The UN Security Council should make clear to Sudanese authorities that threats or attacks against UN peacekeepers, humanitarian workers, or civilians in Darfur or elsewhere in Sudan in retaliation for the ICC's decision to issue an arrest warrant are not acceptable," said the Justice for Darfur campaign.


The government of Sudan is required by international law to ensure the safe and unhindered access of humanitarian personnel as well as the delivery of humanitarian assistance to those in need in Darfur, in particular to the internally displaced. Deliberate attacks on personnel involved in humanitarian or peacekeeping missions, by any party to the conflict, constitute war crimes under international law.


The international community's strong support for the work of the ICC is essential to enable the court to provide justice in Darfur.




In March 2005, the Security Council adopted resolution 1593 referring the situation in Darfur since July 1, 2002, to the ICC prosecutor and decided "that the Government of Sudan and all other parties to the conflict in Darfur, shall cooperate fully with and provide any necessary assistance to the Court and the Prosecutor." Although Sudan has not ratified the Rome Statute which created the ICC, it is obligated under Chapter VII of the UN Charter to implement the Security Council resolution.


In April 2007, the court issued arrest warrants for state Minister for Humanitarian Affairs Ahmad Haroun and former Janjaweed leader Ali Kushayb, both suspected of having committed war crimes and crimes against humanity.


The Sudanese government has repeatedly refused to cooperate with the court and to arrest and hand over the two suspects,In June 2008, the UN Security Council renewed its call to "the Government of Sudan and all other parties to the conflict in Darfur to cooperate fully with the Court, consistent with resolution 1593 (2005), in order to put an end to impunity for the crimes committed in Darfur."


On July 14, 2008, the ICC prosecutor asked Pre Trial Chamber I to issue an arrest warrant against President al-Bashir, on 10 counts of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity.


On November 20, 2008, the prosecutor sought arrest warrants against three Darfur-based rebel leaders on allegations of war crimes committed against African Union peacekeepers in Haskanita in September 2007.


The ICC Pre-Trial Chamber I reviewed the evidence submitted by the prosecutor to determine whether to grant the request of July 14, 2008. The arrest warrant for crimes against humanity and war crimes has been issued today because the Pre-Trial Chamber judges were satisfied that there are "reasonable grounds to believe" that President al-Bashir has committed the alleged crimes.

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