沖縄一人旅ー民宿たつや旅館 那覇店

沖縄那覇市の女性一人旅でも安心の宿 民宿たつや旅館

Goodbye for now, Okinawa

2011-02-27 23:13:37 | Weblog

I can't believe I've already been here for 2 weeks and it's time to leave! My time spent at Tatsuya Ryokan has been wonderful...between the sights, the tastes and of course the people, somehow even cleaning the rooms was enjoyable. I'll be flying to mainland Japan for a little more sightseeing prior to heading home to the US, but before I go I wanted to jot down some advice for future visitors:

1. Ask Master-san and Hisako-san for tips on day trips that can be made from Naha. They know so much about this island and are happy to share their wealth of information. Shin-Chan and I benefited from it as they drove us around for the past two Saturdays, first way up north to beautiful Kouri Island and this weekend out east. Without them we'd never have had the chance to enjoy this view for lunch (Kouri Island – photo 1) or wander through the ruins of an old castle (Katsuren Castle – photo 2):

2. Eat Master-san's food! I'm really going to miss his cooking...such a variety of dishes incorporating local specialties like umibudo (seaweed grapes) or goya (bitter melon). I'm going to try to make his tofu steak when I get home (pictured below)...but I'm not sure I'll have much success:

3. Try the Okinawan sweets...lumps of brown sugar, beni-imo (purple sweet potato) tarts, Okinawan salt cookie...and Blue Seal Ice Cream! None should be avoided. Photos: (1) me and my friend the beni-imo tart, and (2) Blue Seal dessert with Okinawan salt cookie ice cream on the bottom and beni-imo soft serve on top.

4. Visit “International Street” (Kokusai-dori)...it's flashy and touristy but also fun...don't miss the famous local food market off of one of the windy pedestrian-only side streets.

5. Sample Awamori, the island liquor (if you can handle it...it's strong!). I even visited one of the major makers on the island, Zuisen Distillery which is near Shurijo Castle (also definitely worth a visit – both near the final stop on the monorail). Zuisen offers a free tour (including a short video with English subtitles) and free samples of 4 different types of Awamori. Photos: (1) Zuisen, (2) Awamori samples!, (3) Don't forget to visit Shurijo Castle while you're in the area!


6. Stop and smell the roses! Or hibiscus as the case may be. I variety of flowers and colors all over Okinawa...so beautiful and a great way to see blooming Sakura earlier than mainland Japan ;)

7. Sit down with a book at the Fukushuen Chinese Gardens – a quick stroll from Tatsuya Ryokan. Apparently the gardens were designed and donated by Naha's sister city in China...and all materials were imported from there. It's a beautiful, calm place and there is a covered area in the middle lined with benches that overlooks a lovely little pond – a perfect place for an afternoon read!

Go for a swim even if the locals tell you it's too early in the year and therefore too cold!!! Who knows, you might even have the ocean to yourself ;)

These are just some suggestions based on the many lasting memories I've made in my short time here.  I will miss everyone, including the great guests we've had during my stay.  Goodbye for now!  Matane! またね!


3 コメント

コメント日が  古い順  |   新しい順
Unknown (よしこ)
2011-03-12 13:08:02
Unknown (ジョリ)
2011-03-12 13:50:11
よしこさん、じょりさんへ (マスター)
2011-03-14 10:04:31

 いまだに雪の降る寒い地方で、避難されている多くの方の中から凍死者がでませんように。 福島県では、原子力発電所から放射能までも漏れています。2次災害が起きませんように。




