


2024-11-25 22:19:33 | Newsメモ

“If they don't have status to be in Ireland, we bring them to Dublin,” he explains. “They're removed on a ferry back to the UK on the same day.”

BBC Expelled the same day: Ireland hardens illegal immigration response 15 hours ago

Fergal Keane and Larissa Kennelly


Asylum applications in Ireland have risen by nearly 300% so far this year compared to the same period five years ago. A spike in arrivals from the UK has been driven by various factors, among these the UK’s tougher stance post-Brexit, including the fear of deportations to Rwanda, as well as Ireland’s relatively healthy economy.



More than 2,000 people who arrived in Ireland illegally have been issued deportation orders so far this year, a 156% increase on the same period in 2023. However, only 129 of those people (just over 6%) are confirmed to have since left the state.


A veteran of war crimes investigations in post-war Bosnia - as part of an EU police team - Det Ch Supt Minnock knows well the violence and poverty that drives migration.


Public concern over immigration is closely linked to Ireland’s chronic housing problem. The Republic now has the worst record in the EU for housing young people.



Tens of thousands of international protection applicants - some already with asylum status in Ireland, others waiting to be processed - have been sent to communities around the country, accommodated in hotels, former schools, apartments, even large tented camps.

Ireland’s housing shortage means that even those granted asylum are struggling to leave the temporary system as others arrive. Nearly 1,000 people are now living in tented accommodation.


But he disagrees strongly with the numbers involved in small places like Dundrum. “It imbalances the community. And it's no good for the people coming in, because there's nothing here for them.”


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