


2021-01-11 16:38:19 | Newsメモ

BBC Suspected Islamists kill 'around 79 people' in Niger attacks 3 Jan 2021

Suspected Islamist militants have attacked two villages in Niger, killing around 79 people, according to Reuters news agency.

Around 49 were killed and 17 injured in the village of Tchombangou, while another 30 died in Zaroumdareye - both near Niger's western border with Mali.

There have been several recent violent incidents in Africa's Sahel region, carried out by militant groups.

France said on Saturday that two of its soldiers were killed in Mali.

BBC Mali Radisson Blu attack: Two Islamists sentenced to death 29 October 2020

Fawaz Ould Ahmeida, a Mauritanian militant, said he had attacked La Terrasse nightclub in revenge for cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad published by France's Charlie Hebdo magazine.

Three Malians, a Frenchman and a Belgian were killed in that assault. Ahmeida's Malian co-defendant, Sadou Chaka, was also sentenced to death for his part in it.

BBC How Mali's coup affects the fight against jihadists 22 September 2020

BBC How West Africa is under threat from Islamist militants 13 January 2020 By Louise Dewast

France's president and his counterparts from the Sahel region are meeting to discuss military operations against Islamist militants in West Africa. We look at the figures behind the conflict, which is slipping out of control.

BBC Africa's Sahel becomes latest al-Qaeda-IS battleground 11 May 2020 By Mina Al-Lami
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