激しい雨嵐。北部で浸水、PaduaおよびVicenzaに結構な被害が。被害の様子は「水爆弾water bomb」というもののよう。
「The governor of the Veneto region described the weather overnight as being like a "water bomb".」
BBC Italy hit by severe flooding after heavy rain 2 hours ago
Nadia Ragozhina
「Storms and heavy rainfall have left many parts of northern Italy under water, with the cities of Padua and Vicenza particularly affected.
Emergency services have been using dinghies to rescue people from their homes, and footage from the scene shows cars floating in the streets.」
「Meanwhile the south of Italy is experiencing an unseasonal heat wave, with temperatures reaching up to 35C in Sicily.」
「Milan experienced up to 130mm (5in) of localised rain in a single day, resulting in flash floods. Local observers said that such rain intensity had not been recorded in May for more than 170 years.」
末尾の文章が一寸重要かも。2023年にはヨーロッパの1/3の河川が洪水寸前flood thresholdに達し、16%がsevereの水準を超えた―と。つまり昨年ははっきり多雨傾向で、今年もそれが続いている、と。
「Climate scientists calculated that in 2023 one-third of rivers across Europe breached the "high" flood threshold, while 16% swept past the "severe" mark.」
「The governor of the Veneto region described the weather overnight as being like a "water bomb".」
BBC Italy hit by severe flooding after heavy rain 2 hours ago
Nadia Ragozhina
「Storms and heavy rainfall have left many parts of northern Italy under water, with the cities of Padua and Vicenza particularly affected.
Emergency services have been using dinghies to rescue people from their homes, and footage from the scene shows cars floating in the streets.」
「Meanwhile the south of Italy is experiencing an unseasonal heat wave, with temperatures reaching up to 35C in Sicily.」
「Milan experienced up to 130mm (5in) of localised rain in a single day, resulting in flash floods. Local observers said that such rain intensity had not been recorded in May for more than 170 years.」
末尾の文章が一寸重要かも。2023年にはヨーロッパの1/3の河川が洪水寸前flood thresholdに達し、16%がsevereの水準を超えた―と。つまり昨年ははっきり多雨傾向で、今年もそれが続いている、と。
「Climate scientists calculated that in 2023 one-third of rivers across Europe breached the "high" flood threshold, while 16% swept past the "severe" mark.」