


2024-10-26 22:09:42 | ナイジェリア事情

BBC The man battling Nigeria’s 'witch-hunters' 13 hours ago

Jonathan Griffin & Olaronke Alo


Activist Leo Igwe is at the forefront of efforts to help people accused of witchcraft in Nigeria, as it can destroy their lives - and even lead to them being lynched.

“I could no longer take it. You know, just staying around and seeing people being killed randomly,” Dr Igwe tells the BBC.

After completing his doctorate in religious studies in 2017 he was restless. He had written extensively about witchcraft and was frustrated that academia did not allow him to challenge the practice head on.

The BBC has seen evidence of Pentecostal pastors in Nigeria holding services targeting alleged witches, a practice Dr Igwe says is not unusual in a country where many people believe in the supernatural.


Jude, a glazier, who also works part-time in a bank, says he was on his way to work one morning, when he met a boy carrying two heavy jars of water which prompted him to comment on the boy’s physical agility.

The boy did not take the comments kindly, but he went on his way.

 少年がムカついたのは、まあそれはそれで納得できる。しかし「うわぁん、あそこの男が僕に魔法をかけて、僕のおちんちんを消しちゃったんだよぉ!」と周囲の大人に訴え、「何ィ、なんたる悪魔法使いだ! こいつはきっと我々皆で撃滅せねば、社会の平穏が保たれぬ!」と総出でリンチにかかるとなると、


Later, Jude was followed by a mob of about 15 people throwing stones at him. Among them was the boy he had greeted earlier.

“Young men started fighting me as well, trying to set me ablaze,” Jude says.

He was accused of causing the disappearance of the boy’s penis through witchcraft, an accusation that shocked him and is untrue.


 おちんちんなくなったとかって、実は単に性未分化症の類だったりしない? それはそれで別の医療で介入するとよいかも。

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