


2017-09-26 20:57:16 | Newsメモ

BBC North Korea accuses US of declaring war 26 Sep 2017

The White House dismissed the statement as "absurd". The Pentagon warned Pyongyang to stop provocations

 いや、おたくさんのボスも相当なものですからね? 悪口の才能は、あきらかにミスター黒電話に軍配があがるとは思いますが。

A UN spokesman said fiery talk could lead to fatal misunderstandings


The country's leaders say nuclear capabilities are its only deterrent against an outside world seeking to destroy it


It should be remembered that the Korean peninsula is not at peace - the Korean conflict of the 1950s was only brought to a halt by an armistice, not a peace treaty.
But it is actions that are likely to provoke renewed fighting, not just words


The US believes it has every right to do this but if one day Pyongyang judges that these aircraft are on an offensive mission - what then?


BBC US bombers stage North Korea show of force 24 Sep 2017

It said the flight was the farthest north of the demilitarised zone between the Koreas that any US fighter jet or bomber had flown in the 21st Century

US Air Force B-1B Lancer bombers from Guam, escorted by Air Force F-15C Eagle fighters from Okinawa, Japan, flew in international airspace, the Pentagon added.


Breaking Newsで見た:

BBC US expands travel ban to include N Korea 25 Sep 2017

The United States has expanded its controversial travel ban to include people from North Korea, Venezuela and Chad

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