


2020-04-30 23:09:18 | Newsメモ

 at sharpest paceときたもんだ。

BBC Coronavirus: Eurozone economy shrinks at record rate 30 Apr 2020 By Andrew Walker

 1月から3月までのGDPの推計は、どうも3.8%の減だとか。financial crisisの時よりひどいという。フランス・スペインの下落幅もひどい様子。まあそりゃ言われんでも。ドイツは一応、他国よりはましだと。

The eurozone economy shrank at the sharpest pace on record in the first quarter as the Covid-19 pandemic forced countries into lockdown.

A first estimate of GDP between January and March showed a contraction of 3.8%, worse than during the financial crisis.

Separate figures revealed a steep fall in economic activity in France and Spain over the same period.

In Germany, unemployment has increased though it remains relatively low compared with other nations.


On Wednesday, the US revealed that its economy had suffered its most severe contraction for more than a decade, after GDP shrank at an annual rate of 4.8% in the first quarter of the year.


In the case of France, the 5.8% decline in gross domestic product (GDP) was the largest the quarterly series has recorded since it began in 1949.

Two other large economies have published first estimates: Spain saw a contraction of 5.1% while Italy's economy shrank by 4.7%.

European Central Bank (ECB) President Christine Lagarde said that a sharp downturn in eurozone economic activity in April "suggests that the impact [of the pandemic] is likely to be even more severe in the second quarter."

She warned that eurozone economic growth could fall between 5% and 12% this year, "depending crucially on the duration of the containment measures and the success of policies to mitigate the economic consequences for businesses and workers".



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