BBC Migrant farmers strike in Italy after 16 road deaths 8 Aug 2018
「Most of them have regular papers, but they are usually paid below the legal wage.」法的に滞在を認められていてなおこれ、だそうで。
「The labourers say recruiters who may be linked to organised crime drive them from farm to farm in overcrowded vans, and fail to give them work contracts.」
「"There is no other work here for us and they know it, so they take advantage," he said.」
「Most of them have regular papers, but they are usually paid below the legal wage.」法的に滞在を認められていてなおこれ、だそうで。
「The labourers say recruiters who may be linked to organised crime drive them from farm to farm in overcrowded vans, and fail to give them work contracts.」
「"There is no other work here for us and they know it, so they take advantage," he said.」