


2021-08-26 20:52:13 | Newsメモ
BBC Afghanistan: Plane leaving Luton to evacuate rescue animals and staff 26 Aug 2021

A plane is expected to leave Luton Airport later to evacuate staff and animals from a charity in Afghanistan.

The campaign to get Nowzad sanctuary founder Paul "Pen" Farthing along with animals and staff out of Kabul has become known as Operation Ark.

The privately funded plane is due to land on Friday but Mr Farthing said he was not being allowed into the airport.



「箱舟計画! 結構なことだ、彼らは自分たちが生きるために必要な動物を飛行機に乗せていこうというわけだ! しかし彼らにアフガンの人民は不要なようだ。よろしい! 我々は西洋人のペットではない! この地で誇り高く生きていくのだ!」まあこんな演説でもするかな。

It is understood Mr Farthing has about 68 staff and 150 cats and dogs as well as other people described as "vulnerable".

 …私がタリバンなら、あの手この手でとにかくこれらother peopleを飛行機に乗せないように画策するかな。「人間より動物を価値高いものと理解する、非人道的な西欧人ども」の絵面をより確実化するために。…いや、その必要はないかもしれない。

Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said earlier this week he was not prepared to prioritise animals ahead of people "in real danger".

He then said if the charity's founder got to the airport with his staff and animals, he would seek a slot for the chartered flight.


"I don't need to hear from ministers anymore that we have a priority list.

"I don't want to hear this 'we're putting pets before people' - it's nonsense."

He said the animals would be "in the hold and we've got spare capacity in the seating and will take more refugees if we can".

"This is a Dunkirk-spirit privately paid operation to rescue animals and protect people," he added.


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