


2023-05-02 22:18:26 | Newsメモ

BBC Kenyan doomsday cult leader freed and rearrested 2 May 2023 By Dorcas Wangira

The leader of a Kenyan cult group and six others have been rearrested minutes after a court in Malindi released them.

Magistrate Ivy Wasike freed Paul Nthenge Mackenzie and his suspected accomplices after an application by the prosecution to close the file.

 差し当たりは思想犯とでもしたんですかね。ただまあ、飢え死にしちゃいなよYOU☆というわけのわからん宗派を運営していたのは思想の自由に…うん…うん? という論理の欠片くらいはあるにはあるかもしれないが、検屍報告ではどうも窒息死・絞殺の痕跡があったようで、それただの殺人趣味者いたりしない?という感は否定しきれない。

They were initially charged with murder, radicalisation and threatening public safety after more than 100 followers of the cult group were found in mass graves last month.

Mr Mackenzie, the leader of the group, was accused of encouraging them to starve themselves to death. He denies any wrongdoing.

A post-mortem report showed that the some of the victims were also killed through suffocation and strangulation.



BBC Kenya starvation cult: 'My wife and six children followed Pastor Mackenzie' 2 May 2023 By Dorcas Wangira

When the leader of the Good News International Church, Pastor Mackenzie, said the world would end in June 2023, Stephen Mwiti's wife believed him.

Now, he is certain that she starved to death along with their six children.

The 45-year-old, who makes his living selling mandazi, or fried bread, holds up a crumpled photograph of his wife and four of his children asking if anyone has seen them.

Post-mortems still have to be carried out but police and state prosecutors say as well as dying from starvation, some members may have been strangled, suffocated or beaten to death with blunt objects.
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