BBC South Korea arrests two for passing military secrets to North 28 Apr 2022 By Zubaidah Abdul Jalil & Frances Mao
次の記事はエチオピア。communal violenceである。
BBC Mobs burn mosques and churches in Ethiopia 29 Apr 2022 By Hanna Temuari
「Mosques and churches were reportedly set ablaze by mobs in multiple places in northern and southern Ethiopia on Thursday.
Violence erupted after at least 20 Muslims were killed and hundreds more injured while attending a funeral of a local religious figure on Tuesday in Gondar city in Amhara region.
The regional Islamic Affairs official told the BBC that four mosques were burnt.」
「Three churches were also burned down in southern Ethiopia, the head of the administrative body of the Orthodox Church in Silte confirmed to the BBC, in what appears to be retaliatory attacks for the earlier violence.」
BBC How a Japanese boat trip ended in tragedyHow a Japanese boat trip ended in tragedy 21 Apr 2022 By Rupert Wingfield-Hayes
「The captain of the Kazu 1 was inexperienced at skippering at sea.
According to Japanese media, he had been trained to operate lake boats but had been hired by the Shiretoko Pleasure Cruise company to replace more experienced skippers who had been "let go" by the owner.」
読売新聞 冷え切った日韓関係、韓国側「片手では音を出せない」…日本側の歩み寄り促す 2022/04/26 07:38
「韓国の 尹錫悦ユンソクヨル 次期大統領が派遣した「政策協議代表団」は25日に行われた日本側との意見交換で、日韓関係の改善に積極的に取り組む姿勢を強調した。日本側は期待を抱く一方、関係改善に向けて具体的な協議に進むことが出来るかどうか、今後の新政権の出方を慎重に見極める考えだ」
「額賀氏によると、代表団の団長を務める 鄭鎮碩チョンジンソク 国会副議長は「新大統領の対日関係の原則は、最悪の状態を一日も早く脱出し、一番良い関係の時期に戻すことだ」と述べたという」
「文在寅ムンジェイン 政権は、元慰安婦問題の「最終的かつ不可逆的」な解決を確認した2015年の日韓合意を事実上破棄し、「元徴用工」(旧朝鮮半島出身労働者)訴訟問題を放置してきた。韓国海軍による海上自衛隊機への火器管制レーダー照射問題も生じ、安全保障分野での協力も止まったままだ」
BBC Eya Guezguez: Tunisian Olympic sailor dies aged 17 after training accident 11 Apr 2022 By Souhail Khmira
「Tunisian Olympic sailor Eya Guezguez has died aged 17 after a training accident in waters off the capital Tunis on Sunday.
Guezguez was the youngest Tunisian at last year's Tokyo Olympics and competed in the women's 49er FX category with her twin sister Sarra, who is two minutes older.」
「Debutants Eya and Sarra, both then aged 16, finished bottom of their event in 21st position in Tokyo.」
「A dinghy being sailed by Eya and Sarra capsized in windy weather, with CNOT president Mehrez Boussayan telling local radio the sisters' coach was alongside them in a speedboat at the time.
The coach reportedly managed to help Sarra flee the tangled rigging before then locating Eya, on whom he attempted CPR but in vain.
The young Olympian was taken to hospital where she was pronounced dead after drowning.」
次の記事はエチオピア。communal violenceである。
BBC Mobs burn mosques and churches in Ethiopia 29 Apr 2022 By Hanna Temuari
「Mosques and churches were reportedly set ablaze by mobs in multiple places in northern and southern Ethiopia on Thursday.
Violence erupted after at least 20 Muslims were killed and hundreds more injured while attending a funeral of a local religious figure on Tuesday in Gondar city in Amhara region.
The regional Islamic Affairs official told the BBC that four mosques were burnt.」
「Three churches were also burned down in southern Ethiopia, the head of the administrative body of the Orthodox Church in Silte confirmed to the BBC, in what appears to be retaliatory attacks for the earlier violence.」
BBC How a Japanese boat trip ended in tragedyHow a Japanese boat trip ended in tragedy 21 Apr 2022 By Rupert Wingfield-Hayes
「The captain of the Kazu 1 was inexperienced at skippering at sea.
According to Japanese media, he had been trained to operate lake boats but had been hired by the Shiretoko Pleasure Cruise company to replace more experienced skippers who had been "let go" by the owner.」
読売新聞 冷え切った日韓関係、韓国側「片手では音を出せない」…日本側の歩み寄り促す 2022/04/26 07:38
「韓国の 尹錫悦ユンソクヨル 次期大統領が派遣した「政策協議代表団」は25日に行われた日本側との意見交換で、日韓関係の改善に積極的に取り組む姿勢を強調した。日本側は期待を抱く一方、関係改善に向けて具体的な協議に進むことが出来るかどうか、今後の新政権の出方を慎重に見極める考えだ」
「額賀氏によると、代表団の団長を務める 鄭鎮碩チョンジンソク 国会副議長は「新大統領の対日関係の原則は、最悪の状態を一日も早く脱出し、一番良い関係の時期に戻すことだ」と述べたという」
「文在寅ムンジェイン 政権は、元慰安婦問題の「最終的かつ不可逆的」な解決を確認した2015年の日韓合意を事実上破棄し、「元徴用工」(旧朝鮮半島出身労働者)訴訟問題を放置してきた。韓国海軍による海上自衛隊機への火器管制レーダー照射問題も生じ、安全保障分野での協力も止まったままだ」
BBC Eya Guezguez: Tunisian Olympic sailor dies aged 17 after training accident 11 Apr 2022 By Souhail Khmira
「Tunisian Olympic sailor Eya Guezguez has died aged 17 after a training accident in waters off the capital Tunis on Sunday.
Guezguez was the youngest Tunisian at last year's Tokyo Olympics and competed in the women's 49er FX category with her twin sister Sarra, who is two minutes older.」
「Debutants Eya and Sarra, both then aged 16, finished bottom of their event in 21st position in Tokyo.」
「A dinghy being sailed by Eya and Sarra capsized in windy weather, with CNOT president Mehrez Boussayan telling local radio the sisters' coach was alongside them in a speedboat at the time.
The coach reportedly managed to help Sarra flee the tangled rigging before then locating Eya, on whom he attempted CPR but in vain.
The young Olympian was taken to hospital where she was pronounced dead after drowning.」