The Lord Is My Shepherd

Jesus Christ brings us the eternal gospel.

2020 Christian Testimony Video “I Am Reunited With the Lord”

2020-06-08 16:02:34 | Life Experience Movies

The main character in this film has believed in the Lord for over two decades, and she’s been longing for the Lord Jesus to return. She’s always believed that the Bible represents God, that having faith in God means having faith in the Bible, and that there could be no more work or words of God outside the Bible. Because of her blind faith in and worship of the Bible, she allows God’s work of the last days to pass her by. That is, until one day when she mysteriously starts receiving YouTube recommendations for The Church of Almighty God’s channel. She realizes that this could possibly be God guiding her, so she starts watching The Church of Almighty God’s online movies and videos, and reading Almighty God’s words…. In the end, how is she able to leave behind her mistaken blind faith in the Bible and worship for the Bible and be raised up before the Lord to be reunited with Him? Watch I Am Reunited With the Lord to find out.

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