Japanese Government Wants to Forget Peace Constitution
International tensions are rising, with Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the intensification of conflict between Russia and NATO, China's maritime hegemony, and the progress of North Korea's nuclear development. Encouraged by these tensions, the government is trying to change Japan's defense from being exclusively defensive to being capable of preemptive strikes. Article 9 of the Constitution stipulates that the right to belligerency is not recognized, so it is that they are considering the thing that must be unconstitutional.
The Japanese government probably wants to forget the pacifist constitution.
Japan surrendered to the United States, pledged not to war, and established a pacifist constitution. However, Japan provided military bases to the United States, have the Self-Defense Forces, and is trying to change to the defense to make preemptive strikes possible from exclusive defense. As for the feelings of the Japanese people, I think that they are renunciation of war, but it seems that they have changed not to hesitate war.
The average defense budget of other countries is 2% of GDP, while Japan's is 1%, which is said by the international community to be too small. The Japanese government is taking this seriously and is trying to raise its defense budget.
Originally, national defense is the most important matter for the country, and even the prime minister cannot decide on his own. Moreover, it is outrageous to suddenly consider budgetary measures without receiving public judgment on national defense.
More than 70 years have passed since the end of the war, so I believe that we should not put off the issue, but should properly arrange our country's defense. Serious debate should be held as to whether Japan should remain non-war even if it is invaded by another country, or whether Article 9 of the Constitution should be changed in order to defend its homeland.