そして、温暖化問題の厄介なところは、その影響の出方が、多分指数関数的であることだろう。世界平均で海面水位の平均上昇率は、2006~2015年の期間で1年あたり約3.6mmで、1901~ 1990年の期間の平均上昇率1年あたり約1.4mmの約2.5倍であった可能性が非常に高い。つまり、海水面の上昇速度が上がっているという事である。
Poor catch of saury, poor harvest of wakame seaweed. . . Is something wrong?
I seems that several years have passed since pacific saury to become a luxury fish. I feel that there are many strange phenomena such as the mass death of salmon and sea urchins in Hokkaido and the poor harvest of wakame seaweed. Seawater temperature is rising in relation to global warming, and coral distribution is moving northward, and tropical fish are beginning to be seen in the waters near Japan.
I feel that the number of people who have suicidal thoughts is increasing, and that not only people who want to kill others, but also people who actually commit murder cases are increasing. I don't think global warming is affecting human society, but it's possible that apocalyptic thoughts are spreading.
The fear of the global warming problem is that it is difficult to realize the danger. By the time mankind realizes the danger, it will be too late to recover the Earth's resilience.
As of 2023, if all people, young and old, men and women on earth are seriously working on it, I think that the situation may still be manageable.
And the troubling part of the global warming problem is that its effects are probably exponential. Globally, the average rate of sea level rise was about 3.6 mm per year over the period 2006-2015, which could have been about 2.5 times the average rate of about 1.4 mm per year over the period 1901-1990 very high in nature. In other words, this means that the ascent speed of the surface of sea water is increasing.
As temperatures rise, the water expands and causes sea level rise. Melting glaciers in the Arctic, Antarctic, and high mountains will also lead to rising sea levels. Individual efforts are no longer enough.