偕楽園 三月に寄ったときは " 梅 " だった 紅葉は ! と思ったけど 紅葉を
園内の " 好文亭 " 寄って好かった ❢ ほろ酔いで 一枚アップします ('-')ゞ
I went to Kairakuen.
Coloured leaves were not there, but Kubuntei was great.
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明日から10日間ほど 気まま旅に・・・ 苫小牧 ~ 大洗 そして 鎌倉 へ・・・ 長野のチビッ子に会いに行き・・・ 等と思ってます ❢
I'll travel with my car during about 10 days from tomorrow. I'll go to Oarai from Tomakomai with ferry boat tomorrow.
It will be take about 20 hours. It's not decided the plan of after that. I'll go in unrestrained.
I'll upload photos sometimes! Thank you!
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ダム記念館 昨日から、来春の4月末まで冬の休館となりました また、早春に "可憐な花" と会うのを楽しみに・・・ ❢
The dam memorial museum was closed yesterday. It will open the end of april next year.
I want to meet pretty flowers of early spring again.
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