

Think about human lifetime,...

2012-04-27 11:33:05 | 日記
Waked up this morning, a thought hit on me.
The lifetime of a person is in fact so short and limited. The birth and death,two ends of this life ,can not controlled by you, especially the birth can not be chosen by you. but as for death, some times you can control, you can suicide to end you life.
So, the only part of your life is the course. In such a short course, how can I spend, eat,drink,sleep day by day and wait for death? of course no, I have to set my goal of my lifetime, and take actions to realize my goal. sound so simple? yes, right, that is it, that is simple!

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ブロッグの相互リンクは大歓迎 (坊主頭)
2012-06-05 19:29:19
ねぇ (neko774no@yahoo.co.jp)
2012-05-22 22:20:53
こんにちは!ヾ(〃 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄▽ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄〃)ノ ハロハロー♪ ブログ見て初めてコメントしまっす!興味あるなって思って読んでました私のブログであなたのブログ紹介したいなって思ってるんですけどいいですか?あ願わくば相互リンクとかもいいですか?tag48]、一応アド載せておくのでもしオッケーなら連絡もらえないですか?(★´3`)ノ★*♪。☆*★*♪。☆*★*♪。☆*よろしく願いします~(★´3`)ノ★*♪。☆*★*♪。☆*★*♪。☆*