【1】 うがい、手洗いを徹底する
【2】 薄着の習慣をつくる
【3】 使い捨てマスクをよく着用する
Influenza was popular. It seems to be earlier for three months than an average year.
I summarized that I was usually careful by club activities because I did not suffer from influenza.
In addition, I write in some my opinions.
The person whom I have not yet practiced, please act hastily.
[1] We carry out a gargle, hand-washing thoroughly
〔2Accustom yourself to making the custom of light clothes
The custom of wearing a lot of clothes reduces the ability to control the body temperature and weakens resistance.
Let's forge it so that we make light clothes if possible, and skin and a mucous membrane adapt to a change of the temperature.
We do not say that we do extreme light clothes at cold time.
To the big outdoors of the difference of temperature and indoor temperature, I will put on/ off clothes diligently.
This is very difficult.
[3] I wear disposable masks well
I wear a mask as much as possible at the time when I go to the crowd for and a cold is popular.