私の友人の一人は、「なぜあなたはあなたの子供がバンドに参加するのにそんなにお金を払うのですか?」と尋ねました。 さて、私には告白があります、私は私の子供たちがバンドにいるのにお金を払っていません。 
...続けることはできますが、要するに、私はバンドにお金を払っていません。バンドが子供たちに生涯を通じて役立つ属性を開発し、祝福する機会を与える機会にお金を払っています。 他人の生活。 私がこれまで見てきたことから、それは素晴らしい投資だと思います!
One of my friends asked "Why do you pay so much money for your kids to be in band?" Well I have a confession to make, I don't pay for my kids' to be in band. 
So, if I am not paying for band, what am I paying for?
- I pay for those moments when my kids become so tired they want to quit but don't.
- I pay for those days when my kids come home from school and are "too tired" to go their practice but go anyway.
- I pay for my kids to learn to be disciplined.
- I pay for my kids to learn to take care of their body.
- I pay for my kids to learn to work with others and to be good team mates.
- I pay for my kids to learn to deal with disappointment, when they don't get that score they'd hoped for, but still have to work hard in the grading.
- I pay for my kids to learn to make and accomplish goals.
- I pay for my kids to learn that it takes hours and hours and hours and hours of hard work and practice to create a champion, and that success does not happen overnight.
- I pay for the opportunity my kids have and will have to make life-long friendships.
- I pay so that my kids can be on the field, a rehearsal room, or a stage, instead of in front of a screen...
...I could go on but, to be short, I don't pay for band, I pay for the opportunities that band provide my kids with to develop attributes that will serve them well throughout their lives and give them the opportunity to bless the lives of others. From what I have seen so far I think it is a great investment!