Ken_Gansyo_Honzon_Kaiji_syo No.0017
"You make a mistake in understanding of a law." about.
The various God is equal about my principal image.That defends you by the reason that you respect God and the Budda.Because I'm greater, since putting it in the first origin, the idea that I say that it's natural to protect is not.But a heart is the important one which is most. You have to consider order at your heart and nobility of "the person who respects the world" carefully.
I wrote a document to here while thinking.Could you think whether it isn't used whether you use this principal image well?
"You make a mistake in understanding of a law." about.
The various God is equal about my principal image.That defends you by the reason that you respect God and the Budda.Because I'm greater, since putting it in the first origin, the idea that I say that it's natural to protect is not.But a heart is the important one which is most. You have to consider order at your heart and nobility of "the person who respects the world" carefully.
I wrote a document to here while thinking.Could you think whether it isn't used whether you use this principal image well?