ひろひろの生活日記(LIFE Of HIROHIRO)

パソコン講習とソフト開発をしています。自作小説も掲載しています。ネット情報発信基地(上野博隆)Hirotaka Ueno


2019年02月24日 15時35分58秒 | 法華経の一説〔解)
死の神仏。(Death_God,Dath_Buda)死を運ぶ神様(The God who carries death)

A bodhisattva gathers with people of light and dark people, and they'll be the "Death_God,Dath_Buda".For one, Death God.For two, disease.For three,The Budda who makes the thing important.For Four,The Budda who makes the Doll important.For five, devil.For Six, The country where the dead are sent to.


For one, Death God.
Death God of Japan.He was protecting the person who does a scripture of a lotus.Therefore he hid in the shadow and was killing a person.But his heart became nervous by the crime.When having that, he "do Buddhism", voice was heard.He noticed disobeying Buddhism.And he promised that he does the good justice.The heart which not kill.The heart which loves and punishes a person.
Death God of Western countries.Death God of Modern.The God who controls death."When a king of a devil believed Buddhism, the God will be the bodhisattva which controls life and death." and, there is a prediction and the God follows that.The God lives by "the country where death is controlled".
Hades (king of an underground circle) and resident.He decided to live as people with a bodhisattva and a bodhisattva in "the country where death is controlled".


For two, disease.
The God harbors a virus of a disease in the body.When a king of a devil created a law, the God will be the bodhisattva which controls life and death.The virus for a body of a bodhisattva became a fairy.But, that's made only by" the country where death is controlled".The person who died of a disease is born in the country.The animal which died of a disease is also born in the country.


For three,The Budda who makes the thing important.
When a Buddhism person made a devil believe Buddhism for the first time.A Buddhism person received the power.He invented the bodhisattva which cleans a town by its power.When a Buddhism person created a sutra, a bodhisattva was the national resident.The bodhisattva makes trash become extinct."Homonymous God" fond of cleanliness also lives.Plankton in a sea.That's born in a fairy.The animals which ate trash and died and fish, etc. are born in the country.The animal which died in case of iron and a fish are also born in the country.


For Four,The Budda who makes the Doll important.
When Circe liked a man and a lady, I brought you to the island and kept. When she got tired, she was changing them to an animal person and cattle by magic.They'll be an animal person in the evening. And when they got the sun, it was a doll.They worked by a show tent.
But they meet one Buddhism person.They made the various pinpricks a Buddhism person.A Buddhism person persevered and felt an animal person pitifully.An animal person and Circe knew the heart, and a Buddhism person promised that they believe.
And when a Buddhism person created a sutra, they were the Budda of a doll.Circe will be a goddess of a doll.The Budda of a doll makes the doll a person and makes them live in a country of" the Budda who makes the thing important".A devil made the man the male animal person who has disappeared.They become an animal person by its cause.



For five, devil.
A devil became a believer in Buddhism because a king of a devil became a believer in Buddhism.Therefore a devil conforms to your cause, and the role of dissuading a crime is played.But when the case a victim of a crime permits or the" person who respects the world" permitted, God permits your crime.


For Six, The country where the dead are sent to.
Dragon of two neck and rowdy's country.He sends the person who committed a sin to the dead country.The person falls in an infinite hell of victim's memory.When a Buddhism person created a sutra, they'll be the form of the person, and the died country is reborn.


※ Everything is made a devil (the race of Night God).They follow "NummyoHorenGekyo of the first origin".They promised goodness that they live.
When you have a crime, I permit their remonstrating with you.

※全て魔族(Night God)とする。「元初の南無妙法蓮華経」に受持し善に生きることを誓った。

※全て魔族(Night God)とする。「元初の南無妙法蓮華経」に受持し善に生きることを誓った。

After a bodhisattva gathers with people of light and night people.
There is a Death in one.There is a disease in two.There is a Budda of a thing in three.
All those belong to a devil.They follow "NummyoHorenGekyo of the first origin".
When you have a crime, I permit their remonstrating with you.

to be continue.

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