

Scarab Like

2021-06-30 09:13:53 | Dreams


Scarab LikeScarab Like

Waking up to a Scarab Like insect 4 x 2 cm borrowed in and attached to both my legs.

Remove my blanket to find Scarab Like things on both my Calves, in shock I try to pull them off and my fingers slip right over them as they an oval Shaped and stuck real close to my skin, I try to get my nails under both ends and cant pull them out/ off.

Panicking increases as now it feels like it's drilling into my muscle, I get both my nails of both my hands under it and pull as hard as I possibly can.

With deep Pain as my skin and muscle rips of my leg1


Why do we live in a World of Dominance?

2021-06-30 09:07:21 | Ideas & Thoughts


Why do we live in a World of Dominance?


Why do we live in a world where one is better than the other or is striving to be better than another.

Our reality is bound by competition, who is better than the other, even in heaven one gets a better deal than the other if he / she is more pious or done more good deeds, gets rewarded for it.

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The angels are the same but some are more renowned than others, in different positions but not judged differently as they all obey God.

Why do we live in a World of Dominance?

So is the choice of free will really worth losing equality?

Why were we so foolish to choose this reality when we were asked?


Why do we live in a World of Dominance?

2021-06-30 09:07:21 | Ideas & Thoughts


Why do we live in a World of Dominance?


Why do we live in a world where one is better than the other or is striving to be better than another.

Our reality is bound by competition, who is better than the other, even in heaven one gets a better deal than the other if he/she is more pious or done more good deeds, gets rewarded for it.

<iframe id="aswift_1" src="!2&btvi=1&fsb=1&xpc=5X5QNO9WNZ&p=https%3A//" name="aswift_1" width="930" height="0" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" sandbox="allow-forms allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation" allowfullscreen="true" data-google-container-id="a!2" data-google-query-id="CLaMtsqIvvECFcxRGwodqJEFHQ" data-load-complete="true"></iframe>

The angels are the same but some are more renowned than others, in different positions but not judged differently as they all obey God.

Why do we live in a World of Dominance?

So is the choice of free will really worth losing equality?

Why were we so foolish to choose this reality when we were asked?


You are Not Free

2021-06-30 09:02:14 | Ideas & Thoughts


You are Not Free

You are not free, even if you had all the money in the world.

You are bound and dependent on people to do things for you even if you have to pay them, you are still asking / begging them.

You depend on the air you breathe, you can not own air no matter how much you convince yourself.

You depend on information from the moment you are born, you are not free because without the information you would not even realize You are a slave.


You are a slave to your own reality.

Even funnier are the people who act and pretend to be something, anyone thinking they are better than others are merely convincing themselves they are. One trains to act, talk, walk, think like a doctor, for example, is but another, who knows a few things in that field yet they forget they are just like anyone else.

People yes knowledge is good, learn so you might use know to come to this realization, don't let knowledge use you to be ignorant and selfish.

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A person of any and every profession these days acts like it, without realizing what is it and why am I acting like this.

If your a lawyer or a policeman or politician, you are but a mere human.

No less no more, you have no power over another.

You bleed the same you shit the same etc.

You are just a slave of your own reality, so don't act like the position or title that you are because then your an actor / pretender.

Just be and be aware of yourself at all times of the day.

Stop acting the part, it's not set in stone.

Search for freedom because as long as we are human we are not free.