1. Think about Comfort
It’s really important to keep the physical comfort of you and your guests in mind. Think about the season and offer relevant amenities. For example, if your outdoor wedding will take place in the summer, consider providing hand-held fans as favors.
2. Pick the Right Attire
Picking the right attire for and outdoor event takes effort. You’ll be at the mercy of the elements, which means some adjustments may be necessary. Use accessories (shawls, umbrellas or gloves) to fit the season.
3. Have a Backup Plan
Unfortunately, the weather doesn’t always want to cooperate. While some outdoor wedding venues offer an indoor alternative in case it rains or snows, not all of them do. If this isn’t an option, it’s smart to have a backup location available for last minute changes.
4. Looking for an Outdoor Wedding Venue in Jakarta?
Are you looking for a beautiful outdoor wedding venue to host your special day in Jakarta, Bekasi? If you’re ready to begin touring potential spaces, contact Paket Wedding & Events in today! We’ve served brides and grooms from Jakarta and Bekasi for many years and would be delighted to show you around our estate and facilities. A staff member is available now to discuss the rental rates and packages we have available. After years of working in the industry, you can trust that we have the knowledge and facilities to accommodate your event needs. Our venue is perfect for celebrating any special occasion: birthdays, anniversaries, corporate events or retirement parties!
Budgeting is really crucial when you’re planning your wedding, especially if you want to achieve a certain look. This is Paket Pernikahan Tips for you, whether you’re going for an intimate or grand celebration, there’s no doubt that you still have to save up and determine which aspects of your wedding you want to splurge or save on. While there’s no hard and fast rule regarding the breakdown of your finances, we do have some tips to help you decide on it!
Setting Up Your Wedding Budget:.
While this might be a touchy subject for some, knowing who pays will definitely help out in terms of splitting the cost and setting your expectations. You may opt to include both sets of parents in this conversation because in some weddings, they can either pay for everything or split the cost with the couple. If it’s just you and your partner, try your best to set a limit so you can cap off your expenses. Don’t forget to keep your limit in mind–this is important as it’s easy to get carried away!
Having priorities can also help. While visualizing your wedding, it’s good to settle which areas you deem important. It may be the food, the styling, or your gown–but no matter what it is, you have to be firm that you’ll splurge for that only. That way, you can easily spin your budget for the more negotiable parts of your wedding. Rule of thumb: manage your expectations because you might not be able to have it all! Bonus Tip: Ask your fiancé what he wants–he’s getting married too, after all!
Having hidden costs in your wedding is quite common, and it’s something not a lot know about, hence the term hidden. While discussing with your suppliers, know what you’re getting yourself into at all times. May it be for your venue, hair and make-up, gowns, decor, etc., don’t be afraid to be direct and ask if something is included in the fee you have discussed.
It’s necessary to have a back-up fund where you can pull money from, just in case there are any surprises or uncontrollable factors you couldn’t have thought of. This is unique to every couple planning their wedding, and the goal is to not touch the fund unless absolutely necessary. Remember: this is not part of your budget! Don’t be confident that this fund can cover for a really lavish part of your wedding that was previously undiscussed.
So, that’s it guys–our tips for setting up your wedding budget. And this is just the beginning, the road to your wedding has only just begun. But don’t worry, we’re here for you and cheering you on! Good luck!

結婚式は大変なことになる可能性がありますが、ほとんどのジャカルタのウェディングプランナーと同様に、最も難しい部分は実際には "最初の"結婚式の準備に着手されつつあります。
海外で結婚するのはかなり大変なようです。 これが私たちの計画と管理サービスが役立つところです。 あなたがたった二人で簡単な儀式をすることを選んだかどうか、あるいはあなたの家族や友人があなたと一緒に旅行して大きな一日を過ごすかどうか、私たちを信頼します 人生の最後を過ごすための幸せな思い出だけを持っています。
あなたはおそらく考えているでしょう - 「どこから始めますか」、シンプル - 場所、場所、場所 - これは私たちのウェブサイトから見ることができるようにあなたが別の結婚式に教会/礼拝堂の選択肢を持っているように… バリ島、湖、山々、そしてビーチが好きです。
あなたがあなたの場所を決めたら - あなたは考えるでしょう…「今何」 - これへの答えは簡単です - サービスはリストの次にあります…ここでもウェディングプランナーとして私達はあらゆる結婚式で必要なサービスを提供します。
髪と化粧のスタイリスト - あなたにやってくる
宿泊施設への支援 私たちを通してあなたの結婚式を予約するとき私たちはあなたの新婚旅行をまとめることさえできます。
今、あなたはおそらく考えています…そう、彼らはすべてのこれらのサービスを提供することができます、しかしJakarta Wedding Plannerはどんな経験を提供しましたか?
電話での連絡をご希望の場合 - まったく問題ありません - Jakarta Wedding Plannerは、日中でも夜中でも、お客様に合った時間を手配します。
価格設定 - 海外で結婚式を計画している場合、航空運賃、宿泊施設、旅行で値段が高くなることを理解しているため、価格を手頃な価格に保つことに最善を尽くします。私達の価格にはすべてケータリングが含まれているので、隠れた費用はありません。
費用と支払い - 私達はあなたと一緒に最初にすべての詳細を得るために働きます、そしてそれから初めてあなたは結婚式の日の前に月の残りの残高で預金を支払うことを要求されます。