we want to talk about WPC outdoor decking,WPC wall cladding.

wood plastic composite decking, wall cladding.

plastic wood materials have been widely used- プラスチック製の木材が広く使用されています

2021-03-30 18:55:41 | 日記
Over the years, plastic wood materials have been widely used, known as the Expo Garden, the elevated sidewalk in the Shanghai Expo Garden, the landscape boulevard in the Expo Garden, and the outdoor leisure places in the Oriental crown of the Chinese Pavilion. Plastic wood flooring, plastic wood flower box, plastic wood leisure chair and so on.
Plastic wood material refers to a new type of material which is composed of pretreatment plant fiber or powder (such as wood chips, peanut shells, coconut shells, flax, straw, etc.) and is combined with polymer resin matrix and various auxiliaries. It can be 100% recycled. The biggest characteristic of plastic wood is that it has the appearance and texture of natural wood, but it abandons the defects of natural wood with scar, easy crack, easy deformation, fear of water and fire and easy corrosion. Moreover, the cost of using plastic wood materials is about 1/4-1/3 of wood, but the average use time is more than five times longer than that of wood. The materials used in landscape design before are mostly anticorrosive wood, but because of the heavy metals and insecticides in the process of anticorrosion treatment, the surrounding water body will be polluted twice. Finally, experts unanimously decided to use plastic wood materials to replace natural wood, especially plastic wood sidewalk, plastic wood floor, plastic wood flower box, plastic wood pool chair and so on.
After the Expo, the staff plan to transplant some of the plastic wood landscape materials in the Expo Park to other places to continue recycling. This is also a major factor in the choice of plastic wood materials.
プラスチック木材材料とは、前処理植物繊維または粉末(木材チップ、ピーナッツ殻、ココナッツ殻、亜麻、わらなど)で構成され、ポリマー樹脂マトリックスおよびさまざまな補助剤と組み合わされた新しいタイプの材料を指します。 100%リサイクルできます。プラスチック製の木材の最大の特徴は、天然木の外観と質感を備えていることですが、傷、ひび割れ、変形、水や火への恐れ、腐食など、天然木の欠陥を排除しています。また、プラスチック木材の使用コストは木材の約1 / 4〜1 / 3ですが、平均使用時間は木材の5倍以上になります。以前のランドスケープデザインで使用されていた材料は、ほとんどが防錆木材ですが、防錆処理の過程で重金属や殺虫剤が使用されるため、周囲の水域が2回汚染されます。最後に、専門家は満場一致で、天然木、特にプラスチック製の木製の歩道、プラスチック製の木製の床、プラスチック製の木製のフラワーボックス、プラスチック製の木製のプールチェアなどの代わりにプラスチック製の木材を使用することを決定しました。
Wood plastic flooring, that is, the use of plastic and natural wood fiber, using special processes, such as extrusion, injection molding, molding and other processing molding products. Through the promotion of wood-plastic flooring in the past two years, from Nanjing Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum, Confucius Temple, Xuanwu Lake, Huangshan Mountain, Bali Bay Scenic spot in Taiwan, to the Beijing Olympic Games, Shanghai World Expo venues, to the United Kingdom, the United States, France and other European and American countries, we can see that the application of wood-plastic flooring products is becoming more and more common and extensive.
The development prospect of wood-plastic flooring is not only optimistic in China, but also in the whole world. We think that this is not only because of its excellent characteristics, but also because of the utilization of its resources and the importance of environmental protection.
木質プラスチックフローリング、つまり、押し出し、射出成形、成形、その他の加工成形製品などの特別なプロセスを使用した、プラスチックと天然木繊維の使用。 南京中山陵、儒教寺院、玄武湖、黄山、バリ湾の景勝地から、北京オリンピック、上海世界博覧会の会場まで、過去2年間の木材プラスチック床の宣伝を通じて 英国、米国、フランス、その他の欧米諸国では、木質プラスチック床材の用途がますます一般的かつ広範になっていることがわかります。
木質プラスチックフローリングの開発見通しは、中国だけでなく全世界で楽観的です。 これは、その優れた特性だけでなく、資源の活用や環境保護の重要性からも考えられます。

Anticorrosive wood literally knows that it is to prevent corrosion and decay of wood, which was used in some outdoor engineering or garden facilities more than ten years ago, but after time proof, anticorrosive wood is not anticorrosive and needs maintenance every year. Long-term maintenance costs are very high. Anticorrosive wood material is made of PE and wood powder as the main raw materials. Therefore, there is a great difference in material properties.
Plastic wood material performance is better than anticorrosive wood material, take outdoor floor as an example, plastic wood material floor with half thickness can replace the strength of anticorrosive wood; plastic wood material service life can generally reach more than 10 times of wood, the average value under different conditions can also reach 30-50 years; plastic wood material customization and loss less, can be customized according to the needs of users and engineering, length, area and thickness, etc., and anticorrosive wood does not have too many customizable regulations; plastic wood material is hollow, more economical material, anticorrosive wood is solid. Because while ensuring strength, hollow profile can reduce weight, reduce cost, if feel strength is not enough can add steel lining; plastic wood material is free of paint, and anticorrosive wood if the surface does not brush paint and waterborne paint is not good;
Plastic wood materials do not need to be maintained, the internal strengthening of weathering resistance and anti-ultraviolet additives can achieve the environmental change of maintenance-free effect, a large amount of saving materials and labor costs, and anticorrosive wood maintenance and painting every year; Plastic wood materials are recyclable materials, meet the requirements of recycling economy, after removal can be secondary processing, effective protection of natural resources, and anticorrosive wood can only be abandoned under the same circumstances.
Therefore, all aspects of plastic wood materials are superior to anticorrosive wood materials, which is the best decorative material to replace anticorrosive wood materials in outdoor places such as landscape, park attractions, villa courtyard and so on.

