Let's enjoy English !



2007-08-03 |  creature
Mouse on !


I hear the sound of cicada these days.
I found this cicada on the tree in my yard.
Hearing its sound, I feel much hotter.

I hear he life of cicada under the ground is very long (about seven years) and the life on the ground is very short (about one or two weeks).
So they seem to sing their songs as hard as possible during the hot summer days.

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« It\'s very hot ! | トップ | Globe amaramth »

2 コメント

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cicada (jack)
2007-08-04 20:40:37
there are a lot of cicadas around the my home.
they are chirring all day long. my grandson in new york will come back to my house tomorrow.
i will take delights in catch cicadas with them.
Hi ! (ya421)
2007-08-05 10:23:17
Please have a good time with your grandson during his stay with you !

