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A cat in the midwinter

2005-01-21 | animal


Yesterday was the coldest time of the year;(da-i-ka-n) and it was really very cold.
About 20 year-old cat, 'Yuki' is always in front of this fan heater these days.
During the night she is on the cover of the bathtub.

Though she is old, she has been fine.

But suddenly there was an emergency to her about noon on the day before yesterday.
Suddenly she cried loudly, so I went to see her soon.
Her hind legs were strange and she couldn't walk.
I was surprised and worried very much.
I thouht she might die!!
I was holding her in my arms for some time.

After an hour or so she walked and jumped up as usual.
What happened to her?

Now she is fine.

But I have to be prepared for the worst because she is very old.
Every living thing never lives forever but will die someday.

Knowing it, but I may not be able to accept it.

I hope she will live as long as possible!
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Good for her. (Cakeater)
2005-01-23 12:01:43
20 years accompanier with you!

I want to see her pictures from now on for longer as forever.

Thank you! (ya421)
2005-01-23 17:58:13
I'm glad to read your comment.

Once a veterinarian said he knew the cat that lived to be 24 years old.

It's amazing!

