

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 敏達天皇 11

『日本書紀』敏達天皇 11




In this year, Kibi no Ama no Atai Hashima (吉備海部直 羽嶋) was once again dispatched to summon Nichira (日羅) from Baekje (百済). Upon arriving in Baekje, Hashima sought to meet Nichira in secret. He went alone to the gate of Nichira’s house. After a short while, a Kara woman (韓婦人) emerged from the house and, speaking in Korean, said, “Insert your root into my root,” before going back inside. Understanding the hidden meaning of her words, Hashima followed her into the house.

There, Nichira came to greet him, took him by the hand, and seated him. In confidence, Nichira told him, “I have heard secretly that the king of Baekje (百済王) harbors suspicions about the imperial court (天朝). He fears that if I were sent back, I would not return, so he hesitates to let me go. When you convey the emperor’s decree (詔), you must show a stern and imposing demeanor, and demand my return firmly and without delay.”

Following this advice, Hashima summoned Nichira with a commanding presence. The king of Baekje, fearing the imperial court and not daring to disobey the emperor’s orders, complied. Nichira, along with Onsotsu (恩率), Tokuni (徳爾), Yonu (余怒), Ganuchi (奇奴知), Sankan (参官), the shipmaster Tokusotsu Shikantoku (柁師徳率 次干徳), and a number of sailors (水手), was sent to the court.


この年、吉備海部直 羽嶋(きびのあまのあたい はしま)が再び派遣され、百済(くだら)にいる日羅(にちら)を召すために赴いた。羽嶋が百済に到着すると、まず密かに日羅に会おうとし、一人で日羅の家の門まで行った。しばらくすると、その家から韓(から)の婦人が現れ、韓語で「あなたの根を私の根の中に入れよ」と言って、家の中に戻った。羽嶋はすぐにその言葉の意味を理解し、婦人の後について家に入った。


羽嶋はその計略に従い、日羅を召した。すると、百済の王は天朝を恐れ敬い、あえて勅命に背くことはなかった。こうして、日羅とともに、恩率(おんそつ)、徳爾(とくに)、余怒(よぬ)、奇奴知(がぬち)、参官(さんかん)、柁師徳率 次干徳(かじとりとくそつ しかんとく)、および水手(かこ)数名が天朝に送られた。

令和6年11月24日(日) 2024

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