

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 欽明天皇 21

『日本書紀』欽明天皇 21






In the autumn of the seventh month, a report came from the Imaki District (今来郡) in Yamato Province (大和). “In the spring of the fifth year, Kawara no Tami no Atainomiya (川原民直宮) climbed up a tall building and looked around. He spotted a fine horse. (This horse was the offspring of a mare brought by a fisherman from Kii Province as part of tribute.) When the horse saw a human figure, it neighed loudly—a sign of a swift, fine horse—and it leapt lightly over the back of its mother. I went and purchased this horse. As the years passed and the horse matured, it soared like a great bird and flew high like a dragon. Unlike ordinary horses, it stood out from the herd. It had excellent riding quality, and I could make it run just as I wished. It easily leaped across the wide valley of Ochi Hill (大内丘). Kawara no Tami no Atainomiya is from the village of Hinokuma (檜隈),” he said.

That year, Koguryo (高麗) fell into great disorder, and over two thousand people were killed in battle.

According to the Baekje Bongi (百済本紀), in the first month of the year, on the day of Byŏng’o (丙午), they appointed the son of the Middle Consort as king. He was eight years old. The King of Koguryo (高麗王) had three consorts. The Main Consort had no children, but the Middle Consort gave birth to the crown prince. Her father (maternal grandfather) was from the Sogun (麁群). The Lesser Consort also bore a son, and her father was from the Saigun (細群). As the king’s illness worsened, the Sogun and the Saigun factions vied to install their respective consort’s son as king. In the conflict, over two thousand people from the Saigun faction lost their lives.

In the eighth year, during the summer’s fourth month, Baekje (百済) sent Jeonbu Deuksotsu Jinbosunmun (前部徳率真慕宣文) and Nasotsu Gimanra (奈率奇麻) to Japan to request military assistance. At that time, they presented the hostage Kahobu Tojō Shigon (下部東城子言), and he was exchanged for Deuksotsu Munkumana (徳率汶休麻那).

In the ninth year, on the third day of the first month of spring, the Baekje envoys, Jeonbu Deuksotsu Jinbosunmun (前部徳率真慕宣文) and others, requested permission to return to their country. In response, an imperial edict was issued: “The requested military assistance will be dispatched without fail. Hurry and report this to your king.”

In the summer, on the third day of the fourth month, Baekje sent Chubu Kansotsu Kyakuyōrei (中部杆率掠葉礼) with a message: “When Deuksotsu Senmun (徳率宣文) and others received the imperial decree and returned to our country, we were filled with joy beyond words at the gracious imperial command, promising to send reinforcements when needed. However, during the siege of Mashin Castle (馬津城) on the day of Shinchū (辛丑), a prisoner revealed that the Kingdom of Ara and the Japanese administration had encouraged Goguryeo (高句麗) to attack Baekje. Given the circumstances, this seems plausible. We have sent three summons, but no one has come. We are deeply concerned. We humbly ask the august Emperor to thoroughly investigate this matter. Please delay the dispatch of the requested troops until we can send a formal response.”


大和の今来郡(いまきのこおり)から報告があった。「五年の春、川原民直宮(かわらのたみのあたいみや)が、高殿(たかどの)に上って眺めると、良い馬がいるのを見つけた。(これは、紀伊の国の漁師が、貢納品を積んできた牝馬の子である)馬は人影をみて高く鳴き(良く走る名馬の相とされる)、軽く母馬の背を跳び越えた。出向いてその馬を買い取った。年を経て壮年になると、鴻(おおとり)のように上り、 竜のように高く飛び、並の馬と違って群を抜いていた。乗り心地に優れ、思う通りに駆けることが出来た。近くの大内丘(おおちのおか)の広い谷も、軽く越え渡った。川原民直宮(かわらのたみのあたいみや)は檜隈(ひのくま)の里の人であります」と言った。



八年夏四月、百済は前部徳率真慕宣文(ぜんほうとくそつしんもせんもん)、奈率奇麻(なそつがま)らを遣わして、日本に援軍を乞うた。そのとき、下部東城子言(かほうとうじょうしごん 人質)を奉って、徳率汶休麻那(とくそつもんくまな)と交代させた。


夏四月三日、百済は中部杆率掠葉礼(ちゅうほうなそつけいしょうらい)らを遣わして奏上し、「徳率宣文(とくそつせんもん)らが勅みことのりを承り、国に帰って、『乞うところの援軍は、必要な時に送り遣わす』という有難い恩詔を頂き、喜びこの上もありません。しかし、馬津城(ましんのさし)の役(えき 正月辛丑の日、高麗は兵を率いて馬津城を囲んだ)に、捕虜が語って『安羅(あら)国と日本府が、高句麗に百済進攻を勧めたのである』と言いました。状況から見れば、ありそうなことにも思われます。そのことを充分確かめようと、三度呼びにやったが来ませんでした。これを深く心にかけ案じています。畏き天皇には何とぞよくお調べ願います。お願いした援軍をしばらく見合せ、私がお返事を申し上げるまでお待ち下さい」と言った。

令和6年10月25日(金) 2024

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